Ive seen the light!!


9/11: why it happened
is more important than how

Motivations for allowing 9/11 to happen
Create pretext to seize Middle East oilfields (to control Earth's oil supplies after Peak Oil) and enact "Homeland Security" police state

The attacks were allowed to happen to facilitate an aggressive policy of world empire, particularly in the Middle East and Central Asian oil fields, which contain energy supplies that will become even more critical in the near future as oil extraction declines in the non-Islamic world. (It has been said that the last two barrels of oil will be Saudi and Iraqi.)

The truth of 9/11 would cause major political shifts in our country, especially if many people dared to open up psychologically to the deceptions. It took decades for most people to understand that Lee Harvey Oswald did not shoot President Kennedy, that there was a conspiracy to keep JFK from scaling back the Cold War -- but by then, domestic politics had shifted from civil rights and peace toward the so-called Reagan revolution. We don't have four decades for people to understand the truths of 9/11.

There is considerable circumstantial evidence that remote control software, not amateur flight school drop outs, was used to fly the plane into the mostly empty, under re-construction part of the Pentagon (and therefore, the World Trade Center as well), although this will probably never be proved 100% (just like the identities of the assassins of John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King remain unknown - although the motivations of the government conspirators have been well documented). However, neither the corporate media conglomerates nor the foundation-funded "left alternative" media are interested in investigating what actually happened on 9/11, even though much of the "evidence" has been disproved or is extremely questionable at best.

The official 9/11 Commission is an official coverup, even if they posture and pretend to be probing. Key facts about the Air Force failure to protect its own headquarters have been ignored, including the "wargames" that day that confused the military response to the hijackings. ALL of the commissioners have severe conflicts of interest. It's a repeat of the "Warren Commission" that cover up the military / CIA murder of President John F. Kennedy.

The chair of the official investigation of the "9/11 intelligence failure" is Thomas Kean, the former governor of New Jersey -- who is on the board of Amerada Hess petroleum, which was invested in a Saudi consortium that was part of the scheme to build an oil pipeline across Afghanistan to connect the Caspian Sea / Central Asian oil and gas fields with Pakistan, India and deep water ports for export to the United States, China, Japan and Europe.

The 9/11 coverup, the ongoing massacres in Iraq, the plans for world conquest and domestic fascism are interrelated, motivated by the empire's knowledge that global oil extraction is peaking and that the "American way of life" isn't likely to be maintainable much longer (and therefore the police state is being established because the majority of American citizens will be furious when they realize they have been duped).

One bright spot: the phony computerized ballot machines being installed are proof that the Republicans are a minority party - since they wouldn't be bothering to set up the theft of the 2004 election if they were confident of the outcome. However, if phony ballot machines are used to install John Kerry, who supports Bush's oil wars, as the alleged alternative, this could legitimize the use of these machines in the public consciousness, since the fact a "Democrat" had been selected would make these ballot counters seem authentic.

Control over the United States economy and its war machine is the greatest prize in human history - and spending a mere couple billion on new ballot machines to ensure its continued control by a tiny elite is a good investment, from their perspective.
That was from an elaborate website called Oilempire.us ..


home page is .. http://www.oilempire.us/index.html

Not only has the author figured out that 9/11 was an inside job .. allowed to happen so we can take over the mid east oil fields ... but he also figured out that Kennedy was knocked off by the Pentagon ala Olivr Stone's JFK and that the Republicans have been riggin the voting machines ...

But check the websites out .. look how much work has gone into them ... Im fascinated ...
I wont ... ;) I am just fascinated with the energy that was put into this website ... I mean click around it and take a look at some of the sister sites ... its amazing stuff ...

Yeah it's amazing alright, I think these are probably the same people denying the fact that we never landed on the moon either..:rolleyes:
The thing that always gets me about these Conspiracy Theories ... the one centering around Bush ... dont you think that they could have selected someone a little more well spoken and charismatic than GW Bush?
The thing that always gets me about these Conspiracy Theories ... the one centering around Bush ... dont you think that they could have selected someone a little more well spoken and charismatic than GW Bush?

Absolutely! see the prez of any administration is a mere puppet of the party, he sucks as a speaker, and there is no doubt about! I think the biggest problem is they don't speak up enough and that may be due to his poor speaking habits. I think they should be more active in speaking on many issues but for most all the "failures" put on the administration by many of the left.

Don't even go saying that you may slightly buy into such a crazy theory.
Absolutely! see the prez of any administration is a mere puppet of the party, he sucks as a speaker, and there is no doubt about! I think the biggest problem is they don't speak up enough and that may be due to his poor speaking habits. I think they should be more active in speaking on many issues but for most all the "failures" put on the administration by many of the left.

Don't even go saying that you may slightly buy into such a crazy theory.

You need to know me better .. you then would understand why I started this thread ....
The thing that always gets me about these Conspiracy Theories ... the one centering around Bush ... dont you think that they could have selected someone a little more well spoken and charismatic than GW Bush?

that's what THEY want you to think.
I think he has it all wrong.

The problem started back in 1947, when the aliens crashed in Roswell and took over the bodies of government officials. They have continued to spread through politicians, because they are vastly smarter than us and can read our thoughts. They know how to tell us whatever we need to hear at any given time, which makes us vote for them and keep them in power. They have been in the presidency for years, up until Bush was elected over Gore. Bush is not an alien, he is an adopted human, given to Geo and Babs to appear "normal" to us.

The first clue that Bush is not an alien, is his inept ability to tell us what we want to hear and make us want to vote for him, like the alien politicians. Gore was supposed to have won in 2000, and since that time, the aliens have tried everything they can, to get rid of Bush, so they can regain control. Cheney is an alien, that's why they compel us to push for impeachment.
The thing that always gets me about these Conspiracy Theories ... the one centering around Bush ... dont you think that they could have selected someone a little more well spoken and charismatic than GW Bush?

LOL! I hear you. How can he be so 'dense' yet so 'masterful?' Remember, in order to have the conspiracy, one must also figure that the masterminds, (ala Cheney and Rove, were also too dim to have the plans in place to have 'Chimpy' come off better than the deer in the headlights at the school. Go figure.
LOL! I hear you. How can he be so 'dense' yet so 'masterful?' Remember, in order to have the conspiracy, one must also figure that the masterminds, (ala Cheney and Rove, were also too dim to have the plans in place to have 'Chimpy' come off better than the deer in the headlights at the school. Go figure.
Unless that is itself part of the plan.

Conspiracy theories are seductive. Even some very intelligent people can be ensnared from time to time. Which is exactly how one gets web sites like the one Klaatu's shaking his head over.

The really frustrating thing about it, from my perspective, is that the extremities of the conspiracy theorists tend to make all suspicion of wrongdoing by our leaders seem silly or paranoid.
Hey nothing personal but between this one, and the "Call him and he will come" thread I can't help but laugh!:cof1:

There is a difference between this one and my Al Gore thread .... I really like Al Gore .. and I really meant what I said.

This thread has me shaking my head because of the work this guy put into this website ...

Do I believe Oswald acted alone? No ... At one time I did believe he was a innocent patsy ..but not anymore .. i believe he did take part in the assisination but I also believe there is enough evidence that there were others involved ..i.e. read Joe Bonanno's autobio.

Do I believe the voting machines to be rigged ..? No

Do I believe that this administration knew about 9/11 before hand and let it happen? This is just too outragous ...

Do I believe that this administration took advantage of 9/11? Yes .. now there has been enough events that have taken place to suport that theory.
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Unless that is itself part of the plan.

Conspiracy theories are seductive. Even some very intelligent people can be ensnared from time to time. Which is exactly how one gets web sites like the one Klaatu's shaking his head over.

The really frustrating thing about it, from my perspective, is that the extremities of the conspiracy theorists tend to make all suspicion of wrongdoing by our leaders seem silly or paranoid.

How did I get to this website? I was reading something on George Soros .. so I googled him in relation to something else .. oh.. it was his involvement in Oil and the Carlysle group ..which I thought odd.. since he is one of moveon.org's largest contributors.. dont you think that to be odd?
During that curiosity surf I stumbled on to this website ...

but...Soros..who spent millions in opposition to Bush.. is a Bush family partner ... go figure..
Unless that is itself part of the plan.

Conspiracy theories are seductive. Even some very intelligent people can be ensnared from time to time. Which is exactly how one gets web sites like the one Klaatu's shaking his head over.

The really frustrating thing about it, from my perspective, is that the extremities of the conspiracy theorists tend to make all suspicion of wrongdoing by our leaders seem silly or paranoid.

I can understand where you are coming from ... but to think that 9/11 was allowed to happen or that our Government actually took part in it is going too far. Im sorry... a plan this elaborate just doesnt jive.
For a Conspiracy Plan to work ..all members of the plan must work in total unison .. do you realize how many people would have to be involved for this to work?
Now.. what they did after the fact is a horse of a different color ... taking advantage of the situation for the reasons outlined by the author is plausible ...

a non open government is what gives fuel to all conspiracy theories.... We need some honest sunshine, shining on truth....

Anything done in the dark is done by someone in darkness.....

The Truth will set us free.... (free from all the conspiracy theories)

Unless that is itself part of the plan.

I'm tellin you... they are ALL aliens! It doesn't matter, you can't figure out the plan, it's beyond your ability as a human to comprehend. Just understand, we are powerless against them, they control us in every way, it's no use in fighting or protesting, they call the shots and we must obey their commands.