J. Scott Smart Gets Even


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Chris Christie says it's time for Trump to concede
By Nikki Schwab
Published: 13:17 EST, 22 November 2020 | Updated: 14:22 EST, 22 November 2020


Hell hath no fury like a RINO scorned:



Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is being considered to replace Jeff Sessions as attorney general, two sources familiar with the matter tell CBS News. President Trump forced Sessions out as the nation's chief law enforcement officer on Wednesday, one day after Democrats captured the House in the midterm elections.

CBS News November 8, 2018, 9:50 AM
Chris Christie being considered to replace Sessions as attorney general
By Major Garrett
November 8, 2018 / 9:50 AM / CBS News

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We just left him there.


What do you see? I'm getting a bagel. Jaques daughter gets married.


When I was a kid I played organized football.
The Eleventh Alley. Drum Park, it's wood, Throw it out. The bar on the other side of the trestle.
The red headed dude selling blow got wacked. Take it it's yours. Give it to the cops.
They don't want it. They said t give it to you. Throw it out. The roost, the kraut owns the place.
Bing Boom Pow! The kraut's moving and wants to tell Irish. He has nothing to do with this.
Bing Boom Pow! The Irish cops are after me. Juan Dominguez stop in the name of the law.
The guy pushing in the bar gets whacked. Take it it's yours, throw it out. It all blows over.
I went to the bar had a shot of Jaeger and washed it down with a pint of Guinness.
Where was he when this happened?

The cops get a call and walk in the bordel. There's a guy there out cold in the middle of the room.
They call a ambulance and take him to the hospital. They I.D. him and call someone to pick him up.
The people who pick him up ask . . . . ? It only happened once. :rolleyes: :palm:

We have a 10-71 in progress.

The Fat Man surely knows he will never again get elected to anything, but that does not stop him from sucking up campaign donations in another run at the White House:

According to Axios, Christie’s big vulnerability is that he isn’t in office and so no one is paying any attention to him.

Christie to Bounce Into the 2024 Presidential Campaign
By streiff
Apr 22, 2021 5:30 PM ET


There is no accounting for the number of suckers that will come out of the woods and hand their money to J. Scott Smart. If you doubt me ask yourself what all of those clowns that ran in 2020 did with their donations?

Aside from China Joe Biden picking the California trollop as his running mate, he gave at least one losing clown a job in his Communist administration.

One Democrat, however, hadn’t given up hope. He pledged that if chosen by voters, he would confiscate people's guns — and thereby proved once and for all just how dead the Australian model was. During a Democratic presidential debate in September 2019, in response to a question about whether his proposal to force owners of so-called assault weapons to sell them to the government was serious, Robert “Beto” O’Rourke declared, “Hell yes, we're going to take your AR-15, your AK-47!” For the first time, a major presidential candidate had come out in favor of gun confiscation.

Gun control gone Down Under
by Varad Mehta
April 15, 2021 11:00 PM


More RINOs given positions in the Uniparty Establishment.

The Conservative Treehouse reports that another Republican entity is tying itself to RINOs.

The National Republican Redistricting Trust (NRRT), in an announcement shared first with Fox News, said that former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie will serve as national co-chairs of the organization, with longtime GOP strategist Karl Rove joining the group in the role of senior adviser.

NRRT presidcent and executive director Adam Kincaid highlighted that Pompeo and Christie “will be tremendous assets as we raise the resoures needed to fight back against the left’s attempts to sue to blue.”

The rotund one ain’t finished yet:

Although the verdict is out on Pompeo, Governor Christie is a piece of work.

Karl Rove is also a RINO of the highest order.

NOTE: Trump’s conservative bone fides were always debatable, but he gets an attaboy for this one:

“A RINO of the Highest Order – A Pompous Fool” — Donald Trump’s Latest Smackdown of Karl Rove is One for the Ages

This National Republican Redistricting Trust (NRRT) has shown that they side with elites and not Americans and based on their nominations, should never be trusted.

Republican Trust Gives Top Positions to Mike Pompeo, Chris Christie and Karl Rove – Why?
By Joe Hoft
Published September 17, 2021 at 10:45am
