Jack Smith Admits to Making False Claim to Court in Trump Case


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The trial hasn't even started and Smith is already getting caught in lies. He does not seem like he is very good at this. No wonder he loses so many cases


Special counsel Jack Smith's team made a startling admission in its case against former President Donald Trump, acknowledging in a new court filing that it failed to turn over all evidence to Mr. Trump's legal team as required by law and falsely claimed that it had.

Mr. Smith's team said in a July 31 court filing (pdf) in its classified documents case against the former president that it had incorrectly claimed during a July 18 court hearing that it had provided all Mar-a-Lago surveillance footage to Mr. Trump's defense attorneys, as required by law.

"On July 27, as part of the preparation for the superseding indictment coming later that day and the discovery production for Defendant De Oliveira, the Government learned that this footage had not been processed and uploaded to the platform established for the defense to view the subpoenaed footage," Mr. Smith's team wrote in the July 31 filing.

"The Government’s representation at the July 18 hearing that all surveillance footage the Government had obtained pre-indictment had been produced was therefore incorrect."

Under what is called the Brady rule, prosecutors in a criminal trial have a constitutional duty to disclose all evidence to a defendant's legal team, including information that is favorable to the accused and could reduce a potential sentence.Mr. Smith's team accused Mr. Trump in a new "superseding indictment" (pdf) filed on July 27 of conspiring with his staff to delete some security footage so that the grand jury in the case would not see all the evidence.
The dirty tricks have already started, glad he got caught in this one.

I wonder what else he has been illegally doing just to get Trump.

I'm thinking this could be cause for dismissal right here.
The dirty tricks have already started, glad he got caught in this one.

I wonder what else he has been illegally doing just to get Trump.

I'm thinking this could be cause for dismissal right here.

If that's the best you got, my dear, trump is in big trouble.Of course you know there is a zero chance for dismissal, and most likely a zero chance of acquittal.
If that's the best you got, my dear, trump is in big trouble.Of course you know there is a zero chance for dismissal, and most likely a zero chance of acquittal.

You will see.

Smith has already been caught lying once now and I doubt it will be the last time.

He doesn't appear to be very competent.
The trial hasn't even started and Smith is already getting caught in lies. He does not seem like he is very good at this. No wonder he loses so many cases


Ah, not hiding, lying, why would they hide footage Trump people already seen, rather footage they themselves didn’t use since it was yet processed, just a attorney strategy to delay the trial, which was quickly resolved

Use shit sources you bet shit posts
Ah, not hiding, lying, why would they hide footage Trump people already seen, rather footage they themselves didn’t use since it was yet processed, just a attorney strategy to delay the trial, which was quickly resolved

Use shit sources you bet shit posts

Shows what a cheater fool Smith is
Here you are posting the foolish lies from this right wing sites, which will make you look foolish.

Ok just shows your evidence that it's a lie. Sorry but a steaming pile of dog shit is worth more than any leftists opinion.