James Hansen refuses to debate the science behind his alarmist claims

Hey- aren't you the poster who was on here asserting that man CAN influence the temperature?

LOL; thought you'd need to retreat w/ your tail between your legs longer than that. Guess you don't have much shame.
You moron lorax
Why don't you discuss natural variations being mistaken for CO2 forcing? all the signs are this is what has happened with climate models.
And pointing out how clearing skies increase insolation accoring to a study does not equate to suddenly accepting CO2 forcing is responsible for the climate spike of the late 20th century.

You're fucking lame
the fact is, the utmost expert on the subject refuses to debate. what does that tell you? Science is supposed to stand up to debate and question. Guess AGW is a religion
the fact is, the utmost expert on the subject refuses to debate. what does that tell you? Science is supposed to stand up to debate and question. Guess AGW is a religion

Faith over reason. I wonder if the AGW proponents realize how very Bush-like that is?
The religion behind global warming is total bullshit. The only reason this shit is even talked about is because the liberals want an excuse to put more regulations on us.
E nos sabemos que alemanha esta diante dentro e atras de nos a alemanha marcha dentos e nos e alemanha segue atras de nos!