January 09


We all know about all of the hate that has been being spewed, much of it by Pretty Palin, whose true ugliness sometimes does creep onto her face, as in this picture of the real Palin;


But has also been being spewed by people they are allowing to speak at their events, and by McCain himself now. With things such as “Off with his head” “kill him” “terrorist” and “n*gger” being screamed out at the Palin and McCain stumps stops, McCain now introduces outright racism into his campaign with his newest ads. I think that Josh marshall has it right when he says McCain has now gone into “we know you’re mad, blame the n*ggers” stage. The entire Acorn bullshit is a huge part of this. It also serves for the old “look over there” at “voter fraud” as Republicans try to commit outright election fraud.

If they don’t get Obama killed before he takes office (assuming they don’t scare enough people to stop him from being elected), what is going to happen when Obama takes office? Where do they believe all of this rage and hatred and racism is going to go? Away? Nah. I wish that Palin who is an outright bigot, would take her creepy racist husband and go home. Go away. You are the ugliest person to come down the pike in a good long time, and in this country, that’s saying something. But she’s not going to go away. And her and McCain are stirring up something there that we, I don’t think, have seen since the 60’s.

Ugly times coming. I just want to remind myself, once again, to thank all of you who support this, most especially those of you whom support this by denying this.
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We all know about all of the hate that has been being spewed, much of it by Pretty Palin, whose true ugliness sometimes does creep onto her face, as in this picture of the real Palin;


But has also been being spewed by people they are allowing to speak at their events, and by McCain himself now. With things such as “Off with his head” “kill him” “terrorist” and “n*gger” being screamed out at the Palin and McCain stumps stops, McCain now introduces outright racism into his campaign with his newest ads. I think that Josh marshall has it right when he says McCain has now gone into “we know you’re mad, blame the n*ggers” stage. The entire Acorn bullshit is a huge part of this. It also serves for the old “look over there” at “voter fraud” as Republicans try to commit outright election fraud.

If they don’t get Obama killed before he takes office (assuming they don’t scare enough people to stop him from being elected), what is going to happen when Obama takes office? Where do they believe all of this rage and hatred and racism is going to go? Away? Nah. I wish that Palin who is an outright bigot, would take her creepy racist husband and go home. Go away. You are the ugliest person to come down the pike in a good long time, and in this country, that’s saying something. But she’s not going to go away. And her and McCain are stirring up something there that we, I don’t think, have seen since the 60’s.

Ugly times coming. I just want to remind myself, once again, to thank all of you who support this, most especially those of you whom support this by denying this.

If Bush can go 8 years without getting shot, Obama can too. The Secret Service has gotten a lot better since 1981, and so has the technology they can bring to bare.
Liberals aren't as prone to be vengance killers as are righties.
You mean like the assassination attempts on Ford and Reagan? Or the Marxist Oswald sniping JFK? The last time a rightest assassinated a president was in 1901. Before that, Garfield was shot because he represented the Stalwart wing of the GOP while Arthur represented the Progressive (Half-Breed) wing.
I don't want to get all melodramatic about it, but politically, I have never seen anything in my life to compare with the last few weeks at the McCain rallies. The woman asserting that "he's an Arab terrorist," the # of people getting up and imploring McCain to do something because they are so scared of Obama, the shouts of "kill him" and "he's a terrorist."

And it isn't just the creepy, smiling Palin who is stoking this (in a way, btw, that is very reminiscent of Hitler, and I have no problem making that comparison). It's talk radio, with Sean Hannity leading the charge. If you want to know what's going on out there, listen to an hour of Hannity's show, any given day of the week. It's a sonic lynch mob...pure hate. Their vision of Obama has become so distorted from who this guy is. They don't even see him as human.
You mean like the assassination attempts on Ford and Reagan? Or the Marxist Oswald sniping JFK? The last time a rightest assassinated a president was in 1901. Before that, Garfield was shot because he represented the Stalwart wing of the GOP while Arthur represented the Progressive (Half-Breed) wing.

Umm JFK was a liberal.

Someone tried to kill ford ? Was that by pushing him down the plane steps ?
and thus begins the "if you don't vote for obama you are a racist" mantra.

No. So begins the "there are certainly people who are stoking racist fears" discussion.

Only complete idiots interpret anything said here as the hyperbolic "if you don't vote for Obama, you're racist."
edit then: and thus begins the mantra that "if obama loses it will be because of racism"

Well, any way you slice it, it will cost him votes that a white Dem would normally get. One study thought up to 6%, but I think that's high.

I still think he'll win, but it's much closer than it should be, given circumstances.

Regardless, the Hannity's & Palins of the world are working it - they're working that hate, and going for that small % who are ready to believe he's a dangerous terrorist, or whatever.
Umm JFK was a liberal.

Someone tried to kill ford ? Was that by pushing him down the plane steps ?
JFK was nonetheless killed by a leftist. Also, you are old enough to have lived through the Ford years, so I shouldn't have to remind you of the two attempts on his life in CA.
JFK was nonetheless killed by a leftist. Also, you are old enough to have lived through the Ford years, so I shouldn't have to remind you of the two attempts on his life in CA.

yeah I lived thru the Ford years, but don't remember much. I was pretty fried from Nam.
And tried my best to fry myself more.