Jarod's retardation finally gets Ignored!

After patiently putting up with his obsessed threads about me, and painstakingly showing him what the law has to say about Sarin bombs being WMD's, Jarhead has decided to 'declare victory' by posting yet another thread on the subject. Apparently, retarded people don't realize others can read their past posting history, and comprehend the total ass ownership which took place. Denial ain't just a river in Egypt!

I feel sorry for him, it must be rough being a lawyer who can't spell. Imagine what judges must think of his inability to spell basic words, imagine what his clients think when they find out their lawyer can't even spell? I'm sure he has self-esteem issues, I certainly would in his situation. Perhaps that is why it's so important to him, to post repeated lies about me and pretend he has defeated me in a battle of wits?

Whatever his motivation has been, I have decided that my time is worth more than to spend it dealing with Jarhead, and he has been placed on my ignore list. I hope that some of you kind hearted people will keep Jarhead in mind, and keep an eye on him over the next few days, I am sure this will devastate him and he might even become suicidal.
Sorry Dix, you are wrong. If you keep responding to the many many post he make and keep bring it up then you are as much to blame as he is. Like this post, why bump it if you don't want it discussed?
Dixie, I thought you were done and leaving this thread forever and all that shit...

You lost, its only right for the looser to abandon the discussion... Thats how it always works with your ilk... righ. Run when proven an idiot!
Sorry Dix, you are wrong. If you keep responding to the many many post he make and keep bring it up then you are as much to blame as he is. Like this post, why bump it if you don't want it discussed?

Sorry toby, you're always wrong, and even pinheads agree wit me on that.

I bumped the thread so Jarhead would see it, he keeps posting to the old threads like he thinks I am going to respond further, and I am not. I presented my case and my empirical evidence, and he simply declared himself victorious in the face of defeat. As far as I'm concerned, you can't be a bigger fool than that. I've got better things to do with my time, than argue with a fool, especially one so intellectually dishonest and vaccant.

Now, I am all about discussing what a fucktard idiot Jarhead is, or his butt buddy Prakoosh, who is probably another alexx clone... I'll bump this thread all day! We can have a three week debate on how you can obtain a law degree and pass a bar exam, while not being able to spell on a fifth-grade level. Maybe the Jarhead can tell me how he pulled it off? As for the discussion about Sarin bombs being WMD's, that one is over and he was owned again, as usual.
So dix you ignore him by making more posts on the topic? Guess I don't know what ignore means. LOL
So dix you ignore him by making more posts on the topic? Guess I don't know what ignore means. LOL

No, I prefer to ignore him in my User CP and then post a thread telling him and the rest of his pinhead clones, they are being ignored and to not bother posting to me anymore. This way, I can talk about what a fucktard moron he is, and how he has no credibility, or any apparent educational background, and make fun of him without having to even look at what the retard posts in response. Get it? :321:
No, I prefer to ignore him in my User CP and then post a thread telling him and the rest of his pinhead clones, they are being ignored and to not bother posting to me anymore. This way, I can talk about what a fucktard moron he is, and how he has no credibility, or any apparent educational background, and make fun of him without having to even look at what the retard posts in response. Get it? :321:

That way you can go on living in your own made up version of reality and never have to see the truth!