Jesse Jackson - Mr. Nobody


A humiliating public stumble jolted Jackson into this delicate adjustment period. When a Fox News microphone in early July picked up Jackson's use of a vulgar expression to criticize Obama, the episode seemed to symbolize Jackson's frustration at feeling left on the sidelines by Obama's historic ascendancy.

The "open mic" episode, Jackson said, was the most humiliating public moment of his career, worse even than when he briefly withdrew from public life after news surfaced in 2001 that he had fathered a daughter out of wedlock.

To help himself recover from the Obama gaffe, Jackson spent 10 days fasting and meditating in the Arizona desert, he said, "talking with Dr. King, reading the Bible and talking with myself" in an effort to sort out what had prompted his ill-chosen remarks.

Jackson makes a point of saying he speaks frequently with Obama by telephone. However, Obama has never campaigned alongside Jackson in the 18 months since he declared his candidacy in front of the Old State Capitol building in Springfield.


I imagine its more like a 4-star hotel in Arizona somewhere overlooking the desert. And if I am not mistaken ain't Dr. King dead? Or was that all a hoax and Dr. King is in hiding with Elvis. Wonder why he did not want to go to Hymietown?