Jesuit Goon Squad


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No surprise coming from a religious order that was the R.C.Ch.’s goon squad for centuries:

In “The Catholic Case for Communism,” America writer Dean Dettloff says that the militant atheism of Marxist politics is “understandable” because “Christianity has so often been a force allied to the ruling powers that exploit the poor.”

Jesuit Magazine Makes ‘Catholic Case for Communism’
by Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D.
25 Jul 2019

Of course “. . . Marxist politics is “understandable”. . .” to a church that was built on opposing individual liberties centuries before the original Bill of Rights guarantied God-given freedoms.

Note that Pope Francis is a Jesuit as well as the first Jesuit Pope. I am not sure if Big Frank is losing ground because he is a Jesuit, or because he has his nose up the New World Order’s collective ass:

The approval rating of Pope Francis declined all over Europe during the course of 2018, a new analysis observed Wednesday, in large part because of his ever-less popular pro-immigration stance and other globalist positions.

Analyst: Pope’s Sagging Popularity Signals Fading Trust in Globalism
by Thomas D. Williams, PH.D
16 Jan 2019


Globalism is the new word for the old lie about collectivism - that surrendering individual rights and national sovereignty will deliver social justice and income equality.

Globalism: Persuading the Individual to Stop Being an Individual
By Linda Goudsmit
May 23, 2017


More importantly, a one government world is the evolutionary consequence of a one God universe.


“I don’t want to convert you,” Pope Francis once said to a group of Protestant pastors visiting the Vatican. His message to the Islamic world is the same. He is the perfect pope for a post-Christian age, reducing the Church’s “witness” to the ratification of a lowest-common-denominator culture in which all religions supposedly converge on the same path to civilization and salvation. Except they don’t. Out of religious relativism has come less true religion and an explosion of false ones. For centuries the Church sent missionaries out to preach Christ crucified — to challenge disbelief, not confirm it. Now papal trips have all the evangelical fervor of a United Nations delegation visit. The pope offers “hope” not in the cross but in a syncretistic logo cobbled together by a committee.

The Pope’s Bridge to Nowhere
George Neumayr
January 20, 2019, 12:01 am

Organized religion’s faithful decide that slaughtering non-believers is the only path to paradise. The U.S. Constitution’s individual liberties are every religion’s biggest obstacle. Think about religion and the Second Amendment when you come across anything Jesuits say about anything. Better yet, analyze why a Jesuit is saying it. HINT: They sure as hell are not saying it to help national sovereignty oppose Mother Church.

Think about religion and the Second Amendment when you come across anything Jesuits say about anything. Better yet, analyze why a Jesuit is saying it. HINT: They sure as hell are not saying it to help national sovereignty oppose Mother Church.

No kidding:

In point of fact, Pope Francis — the first Jesuit pope — has not been averse to using his authority to elevate members of his own Jesuit order to positions of prominence and influence in the Church.

Jesuit General: Enemies of Pope Francis Hope to Influence Next Conclave
by Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D.
19 Sep 2019
Big Frank smells big bucks donated by environmental freakazoids:

Pope considers adding 'ecological sin' to official church teaching!
Calls for 'drastic measures' to combat 'global warming'
WND Staff By WND Staff
Published November 18, 2019 at 6:47pm

The R.C.Ch.’s foremost charity hustler was not crowned top salesman until 2013. I guess it took him 6 years to get behind a new product that was first introduced to the suckers in 2008:

Nine years ago designer-science morphed into political-agenda-sins. In 2008 the Vatican fashioned seven new sins and named them social-sins. Social diseases was the first thing I thought of, but clap did not make the cut.

1. "Bioethical” violations such as birth control
2. "Morally dubious" experiments such as stem cell research
3. Drug abuse
4. Polluting the environment
5. Contributing to widening divide between rich and poor
6. Excessive wealth
7. Creating poverty

Vatican bishop points to modern social sins
Vatican City, Mar 11, 2008 / 02:02 am (CNA).-