jesus and the messiah myth

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
The birth stories of Matthew's gospels are state Jesus was born at different times. Luke states in 6ce under quirinius and Mathew in 4bc under herod. That's not where the problems end, both stories concoct fallacious narratives in order to make Jesus born where the prophesied messiah was supposed to be. Mathew states herod was killing newborns and so Mary and Joseph fled to save Jesus. Herod never did such a thing. Luke states that the census made people go back to their ancestral cities to be counted in the census. The census never stated such a thing. All it was looking for was the head of household of each family to collect taxes.

Matthew (2:15) claims that the flight of Jesus' family to Egypt is a fulfillment of this verse. But Hosea 11:1 is not a prophecy at all. It is a reference to the Hebrew exodus from Egypt and has nothing to do with Jesus. Matthew tries to hide this fact by quoting only the last part of the verse ("Out of Egypt I have called my son").

7) Mathew 1:23 states that isaiah 7:14 was fulfilled by Jesus even though the word was mistranslated to “virgin” from young woman.

8) Mathew 2:17-18 states that Mary and Joseph fleeing from herod because he was killing children (which he wasn't) was a fulfillment of Jeremiah 31:15 but the next two verses of Jeremiah clearly indicate it is about Babylon.

9) Mathew 15:24 states jesus visited tyre but according to the prophecy I stated earlier Ezekiel 26:14, 21, 27:36 and 18:19 tyre wasn't supposed to exist.

10) mark 1:2 claims that John the Baptist fulfilled the prophecy given in Malachi (3:1, 4:1, 5). But the Malachi prophecy says that God will send Elijah before "the great and dreadful day of the LORD" in which the world will be consumed by fire. Yet John the Baptist flatly denied that he was Elijah (Elias) in John 1:21 and the earth was not destroyed after John's appearance.

11) John 5:46 states moses wrote about him but there is not one verse moses wrote about him.

12) Peter 2:17 states speaking in tongues is to be expected because they were living in the end of days. 2000+ years later no end of times.

13) Mathew 12:40 Jesus states he will be in the belly of the earth for 3 days and 3 nights like how Jonah was in the belly of the whale for the same amount of time. Jesus was allegedly crucified on Friday afternoon and resurrected Sunday morning. Any way you cut it that is not 3 days and 3 nights. In Israelite talk, sometimes if someone does something for a portion of a day they can say it was a whole day but this states 3 days and nights. There isn't even 3 days and nights from Friday evening to Sunday morning.
"9) Mathew 15:24 states jesus visited tyre but according to the prophecy I stated earlier Ezekiel 26:14, 21, 27:36 and 18:19 tyre wasn't supposed to exist."

This one threw me. What?
Tyre and Sidon, ancient cities of Phoenicia, are mentioned several times in both the Old and New Testaments.

Tyre and Sidon are port cities located in modern Lebanon on the Mediterranean coast. Sidon is believed to have existed prior to 2000 BC, with Tyre being just a little younger.

The Old Testament mentions Israel’s dealings with these cities, including the Israelites’ failure to conquer Sidon in the conquest of the Promised Land (Judges 1:31), their worship of Sidonian gods on several occasions (Judges 10:6–16; 1 Kings 11), and their obtaining materials from Sidon and Tyre for the building of the temple (1 Chronicles 22:4).

King Hiram of Tyre provided many of the temple furnishings for Solomon (1 Kings 7:13–51). Tyrians and Sidonians are also mentioned in helping rebuild the temple in Ezra’s time (Ezra 3:7).

Queen Jezebel was a Sidonian (1 Kings 16:31). The Sidonian city of Zarephath was where a widow took care of Elijah and the Lord provided oil and flour for her through the famine; later, the widow’s son became ill, and Elijah raised him from the dead (1 Kings 17:8–24).