Jesus is not the end all / be all


New member
I'm surprised by the way that his followers have been screwing up his reputation that he isnt one of the most hated person in the history of the world....

Hmmm, how can you screw up someone elses reputation? That's a pretty neat trick, I'd like to know how it's done, because I have a few reputations I would like to screw up if possible. .........I don't have to join, do I?
Hmmm, how can you screw up someone elses reputation? That's a pretty neat trick, I'd like to know how it's done, because I have a few reputations I would like to screw up if possible. .........I don't have to join, do I?

Lets see, you can suppress scientific knowledge in their name. You can start numerous wars in their name. You can burn people accused of witchcraft in their name. You can beat gays to a bloody pulp in their name. You can use their name and their religion as a basis for justifying slavery. You can be prejudiced, bigotted, rude, and nosy in their name. You can try and control an entire population's sexuality in their name. You can make women second class citizens in their name.

That ought to about do it.
Those are things that would screw up your own reputation, but I fail to see how it effects someone elses reputation. Is it a 'bigoted perception' thing? Do you attribute something that is said to be done in someones name, to the person responsible for the act, or the person they claimed to be doing it for?
Those are things that would screw up your own reputation, but I fail to see how it effects someone elses reputation. Is it a 'bigoted perception' thing? Do you attribute something that is said to be done in someones name, to the person responsible for the act, or the person they claimed to be doing it for?

Well, it has certainly put a lot of people off Jesus. Especially since more people have killed "in his name" than ever knew him personally. So in that respect, the things people have done in his name can carry a lot of weight.

But reputation is relative to who is judging the reputation.

While you do not see Jesus based on the actions of his followers, you have been prone to judge muslims based on the actions of an extreme minority of their population.
Well, it has certainly put a lot of people off Jesus. Especially since more people have killed "in his name" than ever knew him personally. So in that respect, the things people have done in his name can carry a lot of weight.

But reputation is relative to who is judging the reputation.

While you do not see Jesus based on the actions of his followers, you have been prone to judge muslims based on the actions of an extreme minority of their population.

Well what does it say about you, if you judge someones reputation based on the actions of others? Isn't this the ultimate form of bigotry? I would say, those who have been "put off" by Jesus, based on the actions of some people who claimed something in his name, is nothing but pure unadulterated bigotry. Judge the man by his works and deeds, the content of his character, what he did for humanity, but not what the misguided have done in his name.

I don't hold any animosity toward Muslims, I happen to know a few and they are pretty decent people. I do take exception with radical Muslims who have perverted their religion and are doing things in the name of Allah that Allah never intended. Islam is an off-shoot of the Christian religion, so there is no reason for me to be vitriolic about the religion itself, or those who faithfully practice it's tenants. I don't have to agree with their religious views to respect their right to believe in what they wish. I do have a moral human obligation to stand up against oppression and hate, as well as bigotry.
Well, it has certainly put a lot of people off Jesus. Especially since more people have killed "in his name" than ever knew him personally. So in that respect, the things people have done in his name can carry a lot of weight.

But reputation is relative to who is judging the reputation.

While you do not see Jesus based on the actions of his followers, you have been prone to judge muslims based on the actions of an extreme minority of their population.
Really? If how others act that follow Jesus counts for such things, then the woman with the Che Poster in Texas must actually reflect on Obama too...

I'm surprised by the way that his followers have been screwing up his reputation that he isnt one of the most hated person in the history of the world....


Which Jesus are we talking about? The Mormon Jesus, the Catholic Jesus, the Liberal Jesus, or some other Jesus? There are many false christs. But there is only one true Jesus, and that is the Jesus of the Bible.
Hmmm, how can you screw up someone elses reputation? That's a pretty neat trick, I'd like to know how it's done, because I have a few reputations I would like to screw up if possible. .........I don't have to join, do I?

I dono Dixie, ask Gen. Clark and Jessie Jackson. They might have some ideas.
Judging Christianity by those who corrupt it is nothing new. It happens all the time. Anything as potent as Christianity (or any other religion) is going to be sometimes corrupted by people whose intent is power and domination of others. But that does not make the religion in the wrong - it makes those who corrupt it in the wrong.

But for those who want to continually bring up the Crusades or the Inquisition to judge all of Christianity by, maybe they should judge all of atheism according to the actions of Stalin or Lenin. They were stalwart atheists. Managed to kill their share, too, in the name of their particular philosophy of power and domination.
Judging Christianity by those who corrupt it is nothing new. It happens all the time. Anything as potent as Christianity (or any other religion) is going to be sometimes corrupted by people whose intent is power and domination of others. But that does not make the religion in the wrong - it makes those who corrupt it in the wrong.

But for those who want to continually bring up the Crusades or the Inquisition to judge all of Christianity by, maybe they should judge all of atheism according to the actions of Stalin or Lenin. They were stalwart atheists. Managed to kill their share, too, in the name of their particular philosophy of power and domination.

the bible huh ? And how do know it is not corrupted ?

I think the only thig like that God directly gave to man was the 10 commandments. Man wrote the bible. Or to be more accurate many men wrote letters and such and of the many out there a few were picked to make up the bible.
Really? If how others act that follow Jesus counts for such things, then the woman with the Che Poster in Texas must actually reflect on Obama too...


QFT. This is just anther stupid troll attempt. Was there a time when CK was at least mildly interesting as a troll, or has it always been this lame? I can't really remember anymore.

Anyhow, yeah, Jesus was a good man, and if people do stupid shit in his name, that's their problem, not Jesus'.
Was there a time when CK was at least mildly interesting as a troll, or has it always been this lame?

I vote "always been" unless there is way to be "more lame" than before. Does lameness come in degrees? I guess it could, "stupid" certainly does.