Jewish Anti-Defamation League Unfairly Attacks Trump Over South Africa


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The Jewish ADL attacked Trump over his tweets concerning white genocide in South Africa -- an initial tweet from investigative journalist Tucker Carlson was what caught Trump's concern and he was only voicing his opinion on the matter. If there are skyrocketing numbers of murders in South Africa at the hands of the government, then we should be concerned.

However, the ADL sided against the white victims of genocide and instead supported the racist government who are committing genocide. They went on to say this about Trump, "it was extremely disturbing that the President of the United States echoed a longstanding and false white supremacist claim that South Africa’s white farmers are targets of large-scale, racially-motivated killings by South Africa’s black majority.”

So two questions...Should the ADL apologize to Trump for this unfair racist attack?

and....Should the US issue sanctions against South Africa if not take military action to stop the racist South African government? Tucker Carlson and Trump would not be this concerned about this issue with all that is going on -- if they didn't know that hundreds of thousands of white south Africans are being murdered every day.
Wait, Tucker Carlson is an investigative journalist?

The Jewish ADL attacked Trump over his tweets concerning white genocide in South Africa -- an initial tweet from investigative journalist Tucker Carlson was what caught Trump's concern and he was only voicing his opinion on the matter. If there are skyrocketing numbers of murders in South Africa at the hands of the government, then we should be concerned.

However, the ADL sided against the white victims of genocide and instead supported the racist government who are committing genocide. They went on to say this about Trump, "it was extremely disturbing that the President of the United States echoed a longstanding and false white supremacist claim that South Africa’s white farmers are targets of large-scale, racially-motivated killings by South Africa’s black majority.”

So two questions...Should the ADL apologize to Trump for this unfair racist attack?

and....Should the US issue sanctions against South Africa if not take military action to stop the racist South African government? Tucker Carlson and Trump would not be this concerned about this issue with all that is going on -- if they didn't know that hundreds of thousands of white south Africans are being murdered every day.
FUCK DONALD TRUMP ... this Pussy is too afraid to even visit our Troops overseas.

He's sits in the safety of his Baby Crib every morning putting down people he doesn't even know with lies.

So FUCK TRUMP and the People who are just like him ... Pussies.
FUCK DONALD TRUMP ... this Pussy is too afraid to even visit our Troops overseas.

He's sits in the safety of his Baby Crib every morning putting down people he doesn't even know with lies.

So FUCK TRUMP and the People who are just like him ... Pussies.

I expect you're delirious over farmers being killed or driven off their land. How long before South Africa ends up like Zimbabwe?
Yes, killing farmers and appropriating their land is just fucking hilarious!

mak2: "Wait, Tucker Carlson is an investigative journalist?"
Jack: "hahahaha ... you beat me to it. Hilarious!"

Havana, do you even bother to read posts before responding to them?
1. 3pays mocks Tucker Carlson.
2. mak2 is incredulous, ... and makes a remark.
3. Jack has the same initial reaction, ... and compliments mak2 and 3pays.

4. Havana Moon wanders in after a long night out at the Pubs and blurts out something about 'White Farmers'.