"Ji-Zeus" never existed

"Ji" roman latin meaning spouse or marry

"Zeus" the fagot god of the fagot people that supposedly killed ji-zeus.

Goes a long long way to explain catholics doesnt it. Marry god is the whole priest monk nun concept.

The theory goes, an ancient outbreak of hiv left rome in wastes. It was spread quickly in public baths due to rampant homosexuality and hoards of eunuch domestics to rape and female bath attendent plebs for fucking.

With such a horrific smite by their gods as aids would have been, they were finally vulnerable to conversion but not that well expansive. Holdouts still couldnt let go of zus. Ji-zeus being the only comprimise they could make. They called the disease stigmata and probably could have successfuly erradicated it but instead chose to keep soneone infected with it at all times just incase they felt like using it as a weapon.

And thats where we're all at today. Yes they used it on us, then it went world wide.

After california, nuke the vatican also.
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I've heard about the theory that Jesus never existed. Interesting concept.

"Here are 5 historical truths that suggest Jesus never existed"

“What sorts of things do pagan authors from the time of Jesus have to say about him? Nothing. As odd as it may seem, there is no mention of Jesus at all by any of his pagan contemporaries. There are no birth records, no trial transcripts, no death certificates; there are no expressions of interest, no heated slanders, no passing references – nothing. In fact, if we broaden our field of concern to the years after his death – even if we include the entire first century of the Common Era – there is not so much as a solitary reference to Jesus in any non-Christian, non-Jewish source of any kind. I should stress that we do have a large number of documents from the time – the writings of poets, philosophers, historians, scientists, and government officials, for example, not to mention the large collection of surviving inscriptions on stone and private letters and legal documents on papyrus. In none of this vast array of surviving writings is Jesus’ name ever so much as mentioned.”
My point would have had to have been near the time rome was burned down. When everyone was sick from a public bath std. They survived it due to sexual repression obviously. Its not hard to think that they went underground for a long while. When the fall of rome was imminent theys have had to look for answers and scapegoats. The old story of the dead sone of a god, the only explanation they'd be ready to hear. Like anything, im sure there's something to it. But the translation foe ji-zeus is undeniable. Spoken language predates written language in all cases. Especialy cases that old.
Im just saying christianity was spread by the fag eunuch plebs who named their new spiritual leader after thier fag god. The eunuchs being the only people unaffected by the spread of aids. Had a leg up on everyone else suffering. In their itty bitty minds, the only people not smited by their angry gods.

"Hey, i just found this old comicbook of some poor bastards we killed," "reprint it! I know how we can sell it to all these dumb bastards."
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My point would have had to have been near the time rome was burned down. When everyone was sick from a public bath std. They survived it due to sexual repression obviously. Its not hard to think that they went underground for a long while. When the fall of rome was imminent theys have had to look for answers and scapegoats. The old story of the dead sone of a god, the only explanation they'd be ready to hear. Like anything, im sure there's something to it. But the translation foe ji-zeus is undeniable. Spoken language predates written language in all cases. Especialy cases that old.

You are aware that they 'wrote' at that time, right?
You are aware that they 'wrote' at that time, right?

You are aware they spoke first, right? Note they didnt spell it jesus at that time either and previous to that it was pronounced yashua.


Where did Ji-Zeus come from?

Also, rome was sacked with the intent of destroying its culture. What survived a mess like that is as dependable as a swiss cheese grilled sandwich on sour dough. With or without pesto.