Jim Webb as VP?

Wouldn't it be smart of Clinton or Obama to chose Jim Webb as vp against McCain?

Aw, this makes me nostalgic for the days, pre-Kerry 2004, when I would have thought this was a great idea! And I too would have believed it would actually matter. That you had to respect someone with that kind of service record.
The war hero crap is sooo 2004. Dems thought Kerry had the magic.

In truth, I don't think the american electorate for the last three decades has given a shit about combat service. Bedtime for Bonzo-Reagan sat out World War Two. Clinton and Bush junior, dodged Nam. Kerry's service didn't help him.

that said, I kind of dig Webb's economic populism, and his balls to the wall charisma.
Horrible Idea. If he took the VP then his seat would be open and as close as it was a repub is likely to get that seat back and until Justice Stevens retires, and is replaced I want the Dems to hold a Senate Majority. Then whatever happens happens.