Jimmy Carter kisses Hamas terrorist, calls Arafat "peace fighter"


New member
Apparently Carter isn't content with being the worst President in history. He also wants to keep reminding us of exactly WHY he was so miserable, and collect the bottom rung for "worst post-Presidential diplomat" too. God knows why.

Who will he kiss next? Ahmadinejihad? bin Laden?



Carter kisses Hamas terrorist

Former president also lays wreath at 'peace fighter' Arafat's gravesite

By Aaron Klein
Posted: April 15, 2008
1:45 pm Eastern

RAMALLAH, West Bank – Former President Jimmy Carter today warmly embraced a top Hamas terrorist and laid a wreath on the gravesite of former Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, whom Carter called a "peace fighter" and a "dear friend," according to Palestinian officials speaking to WND.

Visiting the West Bank city of Ramallah, Carter attended a reception with Nasser Shaer, a senior Hamas leader. The reception was closed to the media, but according to participants and the Hamas leader, Carter hugged Shaer and kissed him on each cheek, the customary greeting for good friends. Many U.S. diplomats refrain from kissing Palestinian officials.

"He gave me a hug. We hugged each other, and it was a warm reception," Shaer told the Associated Press. "Carter asked what he can do to achieve peace between the Palestinians and Israel ... and I told him the possibility for peace is high."

Shaer previously served as deputy prime minister and education minister in the Hamas-led Palestinian government, which was toppled last year. He served time in Israeli prison after being charged with terrorist activities.
You see when anyone says anything positive about the Palestinians it is Bad Mmmkay. One can ONLY say bad things about people that fight our good friends the Israelis. Never mind the fact that the Israelis tear down the houses of people related to suicide bombers, thereby creating more suicide bombers. Or that Israel itself was founded using terrorism as the main way to fight. Exhibit one in the King David Hotel Bombing, and the countless masacres of Arabs by the Irgun and the Stern Gang.
Big ups to Jimmy Carter.

He stood in the face of Israeli exceptionalism and took it head on.

Washington, DC is Israeli occupied territory as is the American press. But at some point the American people are going to have to say enough is enough and demand equity in our policy towrads the ME.

BIG UPS to Jimmy Carter.
I find it odd that a people subjected to ghettos would inturn subject another people to the same condition... My how soon we forgett where we come from...
Well he just wanted to check out his handy work, given during his term the pro US leader of Iran was ousted and a radical fundamentalist regime took it's place financing terrorists like Hamas. And Carter threatened to cut off aid to our ally if he put the rebellions down, and made him release hundreds of radical Islamists political prisoners.
Big ups to Jimmy Carter.

He stood in the face of Israeli exceptionalism and took it head on.

Washington, DC is Israeli occupied territory as is the American press. But at some point the American people are going to have to say enough is enough and demand equity in our policy towrads the ME.

BIG UPS to Jimmy Carter.

You see when anyone says anything positive about the Palestinians it is Bad Mmmkay. One can ONLY say bad things about people that fight our good friends the Israelis. Never mind the fact that the Israelis tear down the houses of people related to suicide bombers, thereby creating more suicide bombers. Or that Israel itself was founded using terrorism as the main way to fight. Exhibit one in the King David Hotel Bombing, and the countless masacres of Arabs by the Irgun and the Stern Gang.

Big ups to Jimmy Carter.

He stood in the face of Israeli exceptionalism and took it head on.

Washington, DC is Israeli occupied territory as is the American press. But at some point the American people are going to have to say enough is enough and demand equity in our policy towrads the ME.

BIG UPS to Jimmy Carter.

I agree that our media, foreign policy and prejudices are skewed towards Israel. We find ourselves in the position where Israel's enemy has become OUR enemy and I find that abominable. They're strong, they can stand on their own two feet, We place their national interest above our own. Any problem they have, especially one which arises primarily from the fact that they are occupying another foreign country does not become my problem, and accolades towards any offical of the occupied country, is not an assault on my own.

Some of you people are idiots.
I agree that our media, foreign policy and prejudices are skewed towards Israel. We find ourselves in the position where Israel's enemy has become OUR enemy and I find that abominable. They're strong, they can stand on their own two feet, We place their national interest above our own. Any problem they have, especially one which arises primarily from the fact that they are occupying another foreign country does not become my problem, and accolades towards any offical of the occupied country, is not an assault on my own.

Some of you people are idiots.

What a riot, after all that, you have the nerve to call someone else an 'idiot'