Jimmy Kimmel Calls USA ‘A Filthy and Disgusting Country’ After Trip to Japan

Text Drivers are Killers

Biden likes little girls
He won't say it, but this is because of diversity. Japan is all one people. America and europe have been overrun by third world sewer people.


apr 2 2024 Most of the time, you’re excited to return home after a vacation. That wasn’t the case after Jimmy Kimmel’s recent trip to Japan with his family.

“After traveling to Japan, I realize that this place, this USA we’re always chanting about, is a filthy and disgusting country,” the host said on Monday night’s “Jimmy Kimmel Live.”

The ABC host admitted that before spending seven days in Japan, he believed America was a country that had its faults and “areas for improvement,” but that it was “pretty buttoned up” compared to the rest of the world.

“I go to Europe, and there are dirt holes where plumbing is supposed to be. I hold my breath, and I go, ‘I’m glad I’m not one of these people,’ and then I go back home,” Kimmel explained. That wasn’t the case when it came to the Land of the Rising Sun.

“The bathrooms in Tokyo and Kyoto are cleaner than our operating rooms here. Everywhere you go the bathrooms are clean, they don’t smell bad, they have those toilets that wash you from the inside out,” Kimmel said. He then said the truck stop bathrooms were “cleaner than Jennifer Garner’s teeth — the cleanest.”
I felt the same after visiting New Zealand. The cities were clean as a whistle. As well as the smaller towns. Much higher standard of living overall than in America.
A comedy routine, which was actually quite truthful, as well as funny.

Go into almost any public bathroom and you’ll see the truth in his statements.

Right wingers are such easily offended pussies. The cult of the aggrieved.