Joe Biden Falls Apart During Catastrophic BET Interview: “I , I named a, uh, the, uh, Secretary of Defense — The Black Man”

RPT: Democrats Expect Polling “Blowout” after RNC

The Democrats are predicting a red tsunami now.

This is big:

WAPO: Obama Tells Allies Biden Needs to “Seriously Consider His Viability.”
They asked Biden if he had spoken with the Chief of the Secret Service after Trump was shot. Biden said he had talked with "HIM."

Amazing how the RNC and cult are so eager to focus on Biden’s flubs when it is so easy to ping pong their Messiah’s fuck ups, guess they never processed the old saying about living in glass houses

Fact is we got two losers running for President, one a selfish old man who refuses to fade away and the other a narcissist with autocratic tendencies who lacks a moral compass
Amazing how the RNC and cult are so eager to focus on Biden’s flubs when it is so easy to ping pong their Messiah’s fuck ups, guess they never processed the old saying about living in glass houses

Fact is we got two losers running for President, one a selfish old man who refuses to fade away and the other a narcissist with autocratic tendencies who lacks a moral compass
Biden lacks far more than a compass......he lacks an engine, a steering wheel, a map, and a battery........