Joe Biden is expected to discuss the future of his re-election campaign with family at Camp David on Sunday


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President Joe Biden is expected to discuss the future of his re-election campaign with family at Camp David on Sunday, following a nationally televised debate Thursday that left many fellow Democrats worried about his ability to beat former President Donald Trump in November, according to five people familiar with the matter.

Biden’s trip was planned before Thursday’s debate. He and first lady Jill Biden are scheduled to join their children and grandchildren there late Saturday.

So far, the party’s top leaders have offered public support for Biden, including in tweets posted by former presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton. Senior congressional Democrats, including Reps. Hakeem Jeffries of New York, Jim Clyburn of South Carolina and Nancy Pelosi of California, have privately expressed concerns about his viability, said two sources apprised of those discussions, even as they all publicly back the president.

One Democratic House member who believes Biden should drop out of the race — but has yet to call for that publicly — told NBC News that three colleagues expressed the same sentiment to him during votes on the House floor Friday.

Despite delivering a rousing speech at a rally in North Carolina on Friday that calmed some of his allies, Biden was described by one person familiar with his mood as humiliated, devoid of confidence and painfully aware that the physical images of him at the debate — eyes staring into the distance, mouth agape — will live beyond his presidency, along with a performance that at times was meandering, incoherent and difficult to hear.

“It’s a mess,” this person said.

Another person familiar with the dynamics said Biden will ultimately listen to only one adviser.

“The only person who has ultimate influence with him is the first lady,” this person said. “If she decides there should be a change of course, there will be a change of course.”

WOW....Pretty clearly if Biben and his Brain have not already agreed to vacate this is the last chance to do that before the Revolution throws them out in humiliating fashion.

Its either that or this is following the that Primary season is over and there is no opposition having faked that Joe is fine now they switch best guess is Harris/Pelosi.

In that case now the family will be told and Biden will resign within days.
My brother says that it will either be Obama/Harris or Harris/Obama......her husband being the Shadow President, he will continue in that role.
For The Record: I have been speculating that Biden and his Brain have been refusing to vacate. I do not know this to be fact, I have not claimed this to be fact.

Perhaps a long planned switch is about to happen, and the Bidens have been very loyal to the Revolution.
President Joe Biden is expected to discuss the future of his re-election campaign with family at Camp David on Sunday, following a nationally televised debate Thursday that left many fellow Democrats worried about his ability to beat former President Donald Trump in November, according to five people familiar with the matter.

Biden’s trip was planned before Thursday’s debate. He and first lady Jill Biden are scheduled to join their children and grandchildren there late Saturday.

So far, the party’s top leaders have offered public support for Biden, including in tweets posted by former presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton. Senior congressional Democrats, including Reps. Hakeem Jeffries of New York, Jim Clyburn of South Carolina and Nancy Pelosi of California, have privately expressed concerns about his viability, said two sources apprised of those discussions, even as they all publicly back the president.

One Democratic House member who believes Biden should drop out of the race — but has yet to call for that publicly — told NBC News that three colleagues expressed the same sentiment to him during votes on the House floor Friday.

Isn't that to be expected?
Step aside Joe...shame on you Jill... He's suffering and our country is being destroyed...
It's a disgrace...but then, that's the Democrats...
Step aside Joe...shame on you Jill... He's suffering and our country is being destroyed...
It's a disgrace...but then, that's the Democrats...

The poor, demented turnip is soon to be told whether he can continue to run for his wife.

I wonder if he still believes he is running for the Senate.
The WH is claiming that the "whole" family is getting together for a "group" picture...we shall see;)
The WH is claiming that the "whole" family is getting together for a "group" picture...we shall see;)
It’s 4th of July weekend, this was planned before the debate. You are making a mountain out of a mole hill, as usual. I’m sure they will ALL encourage President Biden to carry on!
WOW....Pretty clearly if Biben and his Brain have not already agreed to vacate this is the last chance to do that before the Revolution throws them out in humiliating fashion.

Its either that or this is following the that Primary season is over and there is no opposition having faked that Joe is fine now they switch best guess is Harris/Pelosi.

In that case now the family will be told and Biden will resign within days.
15% Biden drops out, 0%. Chance the elderly Pelosi will be on the ticket.