Joe Lieberman Responds To 'Lieberman Must Go' Campaign


The Force is With Me
This week, Robert Greenwald and Brave New Films launched, a website petitioning Senate Democrats to strip Sen. Joseph Lieberman of his powerful committee positions in 2009.

Greenwald writes:

Lieberman still holds a top rank within the Senate Democratic Caucus as chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. The Senate Democratic Steering Committee needs to know just how much of a conflict of interest this is. That's why we created Lieberman Must Go.

Here's what you can do: Sign our petition today and tell the Senate Democratic Steering Committee to strip Lieberman of his leadership role in Congress. Then, e-mail this video to everyone you know and spread it on sites like Digg and elsewhere.

Recently in Talking Points Memo, Josh Marshall suggested that the best way to limit Lieberman is by encouraging the Steering Committee to render him powerless in 2009. Lieberman must go, and you can make that happen by donating to Brave New Films today.

Yesterday, Lieberman himself responded to the campaign. The Hartford Courant reports:

When asked about the new Web site, Sen. Joe Lieberman said this afternoon that it certainly had the right to collect signatures demanding he be shoved out of his Democratic Party positions next year. But he said, "I think most people in this country are really tired of this kind of partisan politicking."

So, what's his plan to counter the petition?

Lieberman joked, "I'm not going to sign."

View the video at link --
If Democrats throw Lieberman under the bus, he will caucus with the Republicans, only cutting away at the Democratic majority. By all means!
Though Lieberman has split with the democrats on some issues, most of his stated political philosophy comes from the democratic party platform. But because he has split on a few issues, he is no longer considered a "real" democrat.

When a political party start taking a totalitarian "believe 100% in our platform or don't call yourself a member" attitude, then we are looking for trouble in coffin sized lots. Do we want politician who represent the people, or politicians who represent a political platform written by a few elitists?

Any one who is so brain dead that they blindly follow all and every mandate of a political party may as well get a pre-frontal lobotomy and sit quietly drooling in the corner. Yet it seems that is becoming the expectation of the parties. Follow 100%, or leave.

Sad thing is, the democratic party is expecting 100% blind allegiance not only from their politicians, but also from volunteers who register as democrat. It is why I am no longer a registered democrat. I could not say how it is in the republican party, since I have never been a registered republican. But from an outside view, it seems they are not significantly different in their demand for 100% blind allegiance.
Though Lieberman has split with the democrats on some issues, most of his stated political philosophy comes from the democratic party platform. But because he has split on a few issues, he is no longer considered a "real" democrat.

When a political party start taking a totalitarian "believe 100% in our platform or don't call yourself a member" attitude, then we are looking for trouble in coffin sized lots. Do we want politician who represent the people, or politicians who represent a political platform written by a few elitists?

Any one who is so brain dead that they blindly follow all and every mandate of a political party may as well get a pre-frontal lobotomy and sit quietly drooling in the corner. Yet it seems that is becoming the expectation of the parties. Follow 100%, or leave.

Sad thing is, the democratic party is expecting 100% blind allegiance not only from their politicians, but also from volunteers who register as democrat. It is why I am no longer a registered democrat. I could not say how it is in the republican party, since I have never been a registered republican. But from an outside view, it seems they are not significantly different in their demand for 100% blind allegiance.
Other than the WOT what has he split with? The Democratic Party it seems, cannot take even this one deviation.
Though Lieberman has split with the democrats on some issues, most of his stated political philosophy comes from the democratic party platform. But because he has split on a few issues, he is no longer considered a "real" democrat.

When a political party start taking a totalitarian "believe 100% in our platform or don't call yourself a member" attitude, then we are looking for trouble in coffin sized lots. Do we want politician who represent the people, or politicians who represent a political platform written by a few elitists?

Any one who is so brain dead that they blindly follow all and every mandate of a political party may as well get a pre-frontal lobotomy and sit quietly drooling in the corner. Yet it seems that is becoming the expectation of the parties. Follow 100%, or leave.

Sad thing is, the democratic party is expecting 100% blind allegiance not only from their politicians, but also from volunteers who register as democrat. It is why I am no longer a registered democrat. I could not say how it is in the republican party, since I have never been a registered republican. But from an outside view, it seems they are not significantly different in their demand for 100% blind allegiance.
Yeah it has NOTHING to do with him supporting John McCain over the Dem. It has to do with him not following blindly. I have noticed they have done that to the blue dog dems, they are trying to get rid of all of them too. The ONLY reason Lieberman should go is because he supports the Repub for President. Oh by the way, Lieberman is the one that says he is not a REAL Democrat, he is a REAL independent.
If Democrats throw Lieberman under the bus, he will caucus with the Republicans, only cutting away at the Democratic majority. By all means!

Come November Lieberman caucusing with the republicans won't mean shit as the democrats will hold something near a supermajority.
Though Lieberman has split with the democrats on some issues, most of his stated political philosophy comes from the democratic party platform. But because he has split on a few issues, he is no longer considered a "real" democrat.

When a political party start taking a totalitarian "believe 100% in our platform or don't call yourself a member" attitude, then we are looking for trouble in coffin sized lots. Do we want politician who represent the people, or politicians who represent a political platform written by a few elitists?

Any one who is so brain dead that they blindly follow all and every mandate of a political party may as well get a pre-frontal lobotomy and sit quietly drooling in the corner. Yet it seems that is becoming the expectation of the parties. Follow 100%, or leave.

Sad thing is, the democratic party is expecting 100% blind allegiance not only from their politicians, but also from volunteers who register as democrat. It is why I am no longer a registered democrat. I could not say how it is in the republican party, since I have never been a registered republican. But from an outside view, it seems they are not significantly different in their demand for 100% blind allegiance.

You must be joking.

Lieberman is campaigning against the democratic nominee and he does not represent the party on some of the most vital issues of the day.

Somehoe you seem to believe that political parties are public institutions .. they are not. They are private organizations held together by common ideology. They have every right to dismiss and dispell those who do not belong, and Lieberman does not belong in the Democratic Party.

I'm neither a democrat or a republican but I recognize what a political party is .. something you appear not to. What in the hell kind of political party would it be if it's members were all over the place on issues and ideology?

Makes no sense whatsoever.
Yeah it has NOTHING to do with him supporting John McCain over the Dem. It has to do with him not following blindly. I have noticed they have done that to the blue dog dems, they are trying to get rid of all of them too. The ONLY reason Lieberman should go is because he supports the Repub for President. Oh by the way, Lieberman is the one that says he is not a REAL Democrat, he is a REAL independent.

It has EVERYTHING to do with Lieberman supporting McCain.

Democrats have tolerated Liebermans putrid ass for a long time, and I doubt they would be trying to kick his ass out of the party without his support for McCain. Democrats are not the most courageous group of individuals and it takes a lot for them to budge an inch on anything. If it was just his support for the war, party insiders couldn't say a thing because quite a few of them capitulated to evil and supported the mindless war.

If he's not a REAL democrat .. then get the fuck out and join Bob Barr or Ralph Nader .. or, get the fuck out and join the ever-shrinking republicanson their way out the door.
It is "society" which provides man with food, clothing, a home, the tools of work, language, the forms of thought, and most of the content of thought; his life is made possible through the labor and the accomplishments of the many millions past and present who are all hidden behind the small word "society."
-- Albert Einstein: Why Socialism

It is also society which turns man against man for made up reasons which serve the elite.

That's why NOT socialism. Einstein should have stuck to science. He's a moron on this one.
It is also society which turns man against man for made up reasons which serve the elite.

That's why NOT socialism. Einstein should have stuck to science. He's a moron on this one.

Einstein .. a "moron" .. c'mon, that's stupid .. even for you my wayward brother. :)

"Society" doesn't turn man against man .. man does that.

Even using your premise, are you suggesting that a capitalist society doesn't serve the elite? .. Of course it does, and it does so FAR more than any socialist society.
Einstein .. a "moron" .. c'mon, that's stupid .. even for you my wayward brother. :)

"Society" doesn't turn man against man .. man does that.
Society is composed of men.
Even using your premise, are you suggesting that a capitalist society doesn't serve the elite? .. Of course it does, and it does so FAR more than any socialist society.

No. Im not. are you suggesting socialism doesn't?
The elitist effects of capitalism could be greatly reduced if we eliminate fiat currency. The power to make money is a power which keeps an oligarchy perpetually in power.