John Boehner Assembles His Cowardly RINO Troops For Another Cowardly RINO Surrender.


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Well the RINO Speaker Of The House finally accomplished something. He managed to bully enough other House RINOs to get another, No Strings Attached debt ceiling hike through the House and sent on the way over to the Senate where his buddy Harry Reid can fast track it to the Commie & Chief.

Every day we hear and see the RINOs licking their lips over November’s election and this debt ceiling cowardly act is just more proof that Republicans don’t have the balls or principled integrity to deserve an election victory. The cowardly bastards allowed the Democrats and especially Harry Reid and Barrack Obama to lie and propagandize them, (the Republicans), into a political defeat by blaming them for a government shutdown which Reid, Obama and Democrats were at least half responsible for if not totally responsible for. BTW, a shutdown that hardly was felt by anybody except a gang of government workers who had to stay home and watch porno on their own computers for a change instead of those at their government offices.

BTW the so-called and self-identified “independent” Lou Dobbs last night belittled and bashed a true Republican Congressman for voting NO on the debt ceiling hike, counseling him about what Dobbs is calling “Republican Insanity” by forcing government shutdowns and putting Republican’s probable election victory in jeopardy. I use to like and respect Dobbs until lately since he’s become another RINO coward perpetrating the lie that Republicans shutdown the government. The sons-of-bitches and Dobbs threw up their cowardly hands and surrendered to the Democrats like a bunch of Frenchmen.

If Republicans had any political courage and principled ambitions they’d have got their pathetic asses out there and saw to it that at least half if not all of the government shutdown blame got pinned on the Democrats right where it belonged and even if it didn’t, they should still stand by principles and demand debt reductions be tied to any debt ceiling hikes even if the government does get shut down by the Democrats “spoiled child” refusal.

Why should anybody vote for a gang of cowardly-assed Republicans? No wonder the stupid bastards can’t win elections and govern like Democrats when they do.
Now crybaby Boehner is standing before the public with a smug victorious face having just rallied his RINO troops to aid and abet the Commie & Chief and his leftist apologist by passing a “no strings attached” debt ceiling hike and saying “now Obama and Democrats can be responsible for increasing the debt.” Gee! We shoulda just given Al ,Capone the keys to Fort Knox then blamed him for robbing the place, HUH?
its good for the country so you fucking hate it huh.

you place your idiot failed lie laced ideas over country EVERY TIME
Remember when boner said trust us, the we will fight over the debt limit? He is a lying scumbag piece of shit and no better than shitbag Obama in my book bi hope he gets ass cancer and dies
its good for the country so you fucking hate it huh.

you place your idiot failed lie laced ideas over country EVERY TIME

What would be "GOOD" for the country would be to run the RINOs & Commies out of Washington forever beginning with Boehner, Obama, Reid, Palosi, McCain, Graham and those beady-eyed creeps from NY, Pete King and Up-Chuck, (Pukie), Schumer.