John Edwards and the democratic Wing of the Democratic Party


Well-known member
I like this article, because it articulates some things I've been feeling for a while. Putting lables on people like "liberal", "populist", or even "neocon" are misleading, because they give a two dimensional view of a person. Left versus right isn't the proper way to look at the state of our nation's politics. Top versus bottom; or special interests versus public interests is probably more accurate.

John Edwards and the democratic Wing of the Democratic Party

Tue Nov 20, 2007 at 07:26:46 AM EST

By now most people not living under under a boulder know that John Edwards is considered an "economic populist." Unfortunately, the term is often ill defined, other than a sense of being on the side of working people and vague recollections about a Cross of Gold speech. For Edwards substantively "economic populism" means that he is committed to universal health care, to effectively eliminate poverty in thirty years, and supports Smart trade agreements that benefit workers here and with our trading partners instead of just corporations.

Beyond the specific policies John Edwards's value system is one that comes unapologetically from his small town working class background. But, mill working fathers and passionate speeches aside, what is too often missed about the John Edwards brand of populism, is his insistence on the marriage of economic and political empowerment. (emphasis mine)


His democratic Populism takes shape in a number of proposals, most famous is his career long refusal to take PAC or lobbyist money and his call for the entire Democratic Party to join him. More devilishly, there is his plan to force Congress to justify their own government funded health care if they refuse to enact universal health care for the rest of the nation. A plan Jake Tapper, with no apparent sense of irony, called cruel because it may deny coverage to Congresspeople with health problems in their families (Note to Tapper: millions of Americans face that 'cruel' reality everyday, something that, strangely, never seemed to concern Tapper before). If the plan can make a card carrying member of the MSM care about some one's health care, it must have merit, even if it is just for the beltway elites. Baby steps, people, baby steps.

One of Edwards's more exciting democratic Populism proposals is his One Democracy initiative and its Citizen's Congress proposal praised here by Syracuse University's Maxwell School of Government Professor Tina Nabatchi:

Most of us have no formal way to participate in decision making about the issues of highest public concern Iraq, taxes, health care, jobs, global warming, the environment, education, Social Security; the list can go on and on. No wonder the CBS News/New York Times poll found that only 10 percent of Americans believe they have a say in what the government does a "good deal" of the time!

Finally, however, one of the presidential candidates is taking on this problem. Last month, John Edwards unveiled a government reform proposal that seeks to re-engage Americans with politics and government. His One Democracy initiative calls for the participation of ordinary Americans in politics through a Citizen Congress a program in which millions of Americans nationwide would participate in deliberations about critical policy issues, identify the challenges and trade- offs facing our country, and offer advisory opinions to leaders.

Edwards' plan has the potential to strengthen our national democracy and reverse the trend of disengagement among American citizens by offering them a new voice. It could help the public identify common priorities (not the priorities of special interests and business), foster common ground and consensus, and develop solutions for the common good. In doing so, it could create a broad public constituency to stand behind and support our leaders' political actions, however difficult they might be. Mobilizing and engaging citizens in this way could help build the political will we so desperately need to act on serious matters of public policy.

The Citizens Congress is the flip side of campaign finance reform and public financing, which Edwards also supports. While the finance schemes are badly needed to limit the power and influence of corporations and special interests, the Citizens Congress is designed to increase the power and influence of ordinary citizens.

Beyond the specific reform proposals, this spirit of empowering people politically and economically infuses almost all of John Edwards policies, take his answer to TechCrunch on Net Neutrality:

In May, I - like thousands of citizens - wrote a letter to the FCC urging them to guarantee net neutrality. I believe that if we do not guarantee net neutrality, the Internet could go the way of network television and commercial radio - with just a few loud corporate voices and no room for the grassroots and small entrepreneurs. Our country is already divided enough between the haves and have-nots. Where we go to school, where (and if) we get health care, whether we can retire with dignity - we have big divides in all of these areas in this country. (emphasis added)

While we work to create One America, we should not allow the Internet to be divided or corporate censorship to take root. That would make the other important work we have to do that much harder.

In a way that no other politician seems to, Edwards gets that the unfairness of our political system is linked to the unfairness of our economic system. In a way that no other politician seems to, Edwards is committed and prepared to change both. And it is that combination of economic Populism with democratic Populism is what makes Edwards such a potentially transformational leader. (emphasis mine)

Edwards is a fucken moron....Obviously Lieberman democrats like Cypress love him....

Edwards is the Mitt Romney of the Democratic Party....

Right on Cypress--there are no illegal people--(like Edwards says), just people here illegally that should be given a path to citizanship. Mr. Edwards, how did my Mother and Grand parents get here legally?

You bet Cypress---there are special interested involved , with more influence than that of the majority population.

It has noting to do with the fight between the left and the right. It is just one more issue, that would be a non-issue---if we were not forced to elect rich c-suckers that really don't care about us by not sticking to the majority of the peoples interest first. This issue would not exist if it were not for that fact.
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