John McCain speech draws record TV ratings


LOS ANGELES, Sept 5 (Reuters) -Republican presidential candidate John McCain beat Democratic rival Barack Obama in the crucial battle to attract U.S. television viewers during their race to the White House, according to figures released on Friday.

Nielsen Media Research said a record 38.9 million TV viewers watched McCain accept the Republican nomination on Thursday, slightly more than the 38.3 million people who tuned in for Obama's speech last week.

McCain's tally was believed to be the biggest commercial TV audience every for a single night of a U.S. political convention, Nielsen said.

The Republican convention in St. Paul also attracted more average viewers overall than the Democratic Party convention in Denver last week.

McCain, 72, trails Obama only slightly in most national opinion polls as they head into the Nov. 4 presidential election that will make history either by putting the first African-American into the White House, or choosing the first female vice president.

Nielsen said an average 34.4 million people watched the Republican convention over its main three days. The convention was scaled back on it's opening day as Hurricane Gustav made landfall on the U.S. Gulf Coast.

An average 30.2 million viewers tuned in to the four-day Democratic Convention in Denver, Nielsen said.

McCain had the daunting task of following his surprise pick for running mate -- little known Alaska governor Sarah Palin -- who had fired up the convention a day earlier with a feisty speech hitting back at critics who questioned her credentials for the job.

Some observers had worried that Palin might upstage McCain, whose reception inside the convention center in St. Paul was more muted than the cheers for the self-described "hockey mom" and mother of five.

Palin's national prime-time TV debut on Wednesday was watched on television by 37.2 million Americans.

McCain touted his credentials as a reformer and portrayed himself as the real agent of change in the race against Obama as he accepted his party's presidential nomination in an arena filled with supporters waving blue "Country First" signs.

"I don't work for a party. I don't work for a special interest. I don't work for myself. I work for you," McCain said in a speech that included only passing criticisms of Obama after a convention marked by scathing attacks on the Democrat.

Eight U.S. TV networks carried McCain's speech live during prime time.

With the conventions and the selections of running mates out of the way, the next big milestone in nationwide audience terms is the first of three presidential debates, on Sept. 26 in Oxford, Mississippi.

By comparison, 34.9 million U.S. television viewers watched the opening ceremonies for the Beijing Olympics in August and talent show "American Idol", the most watched TV show in the nation, averaged 28.1 million viewers last season.


With all of the the hype, an acceptance speech outdoors in front of 84000 at Invesco Field, and an extra day on TV compared to the Republican convention, and Obama still could not beat John McCain. Classic
Wowwww! And I thought Obama's acceptance speech was supposed to be the most historic event in presidential politics since Lincoln's Gettysburg Address! I mean, this was supposed to be the coronation of the Great Messiah, in the Greek Temple on the Mount, with 84k adoring fans... it was supposed to be the most spectacular political speech of all time.

Man... to get beat by half a million viewers by a 72-year-old man, who wasn't even the speaker everyone was talking about from the convention... that's pathetic! I wonder what the Pinheads will have as an excuse? ...C'mon Pinheads, step up and explain why Earth didn't stand still for your wonderful presidential candidate?
Some us tuned in to play "McCain on the Rocks"

We took a shot everytime he mentioned POW! I was drinking the whole damn speech!
I love how the righties have suddenly embraced the "rock star" concept, and NOW think speeches are "the thing".

Frankly, I'm glad a lot of people watched, given the kind of speech he gave.
I love how the righties have suddenly embraced the "rock star" concept, and NOW think speeches are "the thing".

Frankly, I'm glad a lot of people watched, given the kind of speech he gave.

Agreed. This would be great news for John McCain if all the people that watched him would vote for him. I doubt that is the case.

It is a whole helluva lot of people though. Like froggie said, probably a lot of college kids getting shitfaced by drinking every time McCain said "my friends."
Wowwww! And I thought Obama's acceptance speech was supposed to be the most historic event in presidential politics since Lincoln's Gettysburg Address! I mean, this was supposed to be the coronation of the Great Messiah, in the Greek Temple on the Mount, with 84k adoring fans... it was supposed to be the most spectacular political speech of all time.

Man... to get beat by half a million viewers by a 72-year-old man, who wasn't even the speaker everyone was talking about from the convention... that's pathetic! I wonder what the Pinheads will have as an excuse? ...C'mon Pinheads, step up and explain why Earth didn't stand still for your wonderful presidential candidate?

Dixie, you must be some aging surrealists last artistic expriment.
If McCain draws more attention---it is not McCain---it is Palin. His speach, other than protecting our nation from people who want to kill us---was liberial--and stunk IMO.

He is sucking ass to NAFTA and other irresponsible trade agreements that hurt our own people still (and I am going to try to question him on that when he gets to grand rapids---if I can--and I will be the squeaky wheel if I get the chance), and he is rubbing gorrs and Mexico's pee pee.

He is only offering tax cuts to business and people because he knows this costly green movement (can't make it on the free market--it will and is costing more to us) would cause poverty to grow. Now Obama wants to raise taxes, and energy costs at the same time---in a troubled economy. Obama is a "green at any expense" kind of radical green--or he is just a vessel for them. Green is good---but not hastely done, and at any expense---or we will make a lot more poor people for war. How about that last war kicker for you green liberial dupes. That was a good kicker.

Lower taxes for individuals and coporations, responsible green,--and most of us could have the money to live our lives. We all know people with money, and all liberials don't fight wars (Well---accept McCains son), and we can have a huge army with Obamas plan. Hey---is that part of Obama's plan? It just might be. He is a smart skinny little pencil neck Hitler.

Obama is a empty vessel for the radical greens, and the socialist/communist movement in this country--and he is giving away free kool-aid with empty promises of actually doing what America stands for. Notice---he will never explain in any detail what he thinks America stands for in public---nor will most of you folks. Hell---Most of you don't know what America stands for, but hate it anyway. I have never seen so much ignorance in the small towns I lived in. Palin will awaken the stifiled population of themajority, that the media won't acknoledge exists. They think 6 fat lesiban liberials can tell American women what to think in this country. It is obsurd.

Consertatives and middle America (everything between the freaked out coast lines) are tired of liberial shafty laywer type tactics and insults. I know this because I actually get away from my computer and talk to people instead of listening to what 6 freaked out lesbians say on CNN (notice how none of those lesbians gave Palin any credit for fighting corruption---hmmmmm). It is almost pitch fork time girls---are ya ready?
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I tuned in out of disgust. I'm sure lots of liberals did. Watching his speech doesn't translate into support. Obama is still ahead in the polls.
Absolutely! We watched because it is always good to know the others sides positions, but he really didn't have any, except that he was a POW! He wants the sympathy vote!
And elderly people do vote more frequently than the younger generation...
I tuned in out of disgust. I'm sure lots of liberals did. Watching his speech doesn't translate into support. Obama is still ahead in .
may I ask what was so disgusting? I didn't see the speech but some of the exercts I saw had mccain saying he wanted to be bi-partisan work with democrats etc. Knowing mccain you know he will do it and have conservatives hating him again. You don't like that either?