Johnson now a Libertarian.

I usually wind up voting Libertarian. There's no guarantee he'd be the nominee though.

Last time I couldn't do it... Seriously. Bob Barr?
I think the Party wants him as their nominee.

The reason I favor Johnson over everyone, including Paul, has to do with his two terms as governor here in New Mexico. First off, before I get into his terms as governor let me also say that Johnson is the the founder of one of the biggest and most successful construction companies in New Mexico. He sold Big J Construction back in 1998 or 99 but at the time it employed over a thousand people. He KNOWS what it takes to run a business.

In 1994 he ran for governor of New Mexico and in the General beat out an incumbent Dem. in a state that is registered almost 2-1 in favor of the Dems. He vetoed 200 of the first 400+ pieces of legislation that crossed his desk. He cut government spending, he reduced the size of the state employee work force, WITHOUT FIRING A PERSON. When he left after his second term we had a true budget surplus of one billion dollars, without a tax increase. He was one of the first governors to go on record stating the war on drugs was a failure and costing us billions of dollars a year with no return on the investment. He is a true small government Libertarian. When Paul loses the Nomination, and he will, Gary Johnson will be the logical place for Paul supporters to hang their hats. When he was governor and someone wanted to pass this or that bill, his first question was, "Should government be involved in that?"
My only concern with Johnson is that he smoked pot as recently as a couple years ago. I personally couldn't give a fuck, but most Americans will.