Join John McCain....!

Socialist Bush actually understood the need for immigration reform, unlike so many of his fellow neocons, and McCain took him up on that one. I applaud him for that. Particularly with so many people being so ignorant of the role of migratory labor in agriculture these days...
The trouble with McLame is there is no telling which John boy will show up? He has flip flopped so much to join the republican church he has lost any sense of credibility.

Will Americans " inspired by a man who was raised by a single mother on food stamps. Or one born into privilege who secured his congressional seat by divorcing his disabled wife and marrying a beer heiress." Toby Harnden
Yep 3D, but it is just as valid and has as much merit as the rights claim about bush preventing more attacks.

Well in a way, it is kind of like baiting them to attack us in Iraq instead of over here.
Actually, it is moronic as hell. Bush is in charge of national security and Obama is not. That's like saying some paperboy who was employed by the Times on 9/12 is responsible for it, just so long as you can knock someone you disagree with...
So Bush can be blamed for allowing the attack to happen, but not praised for preventing another one.

Man I have got to take a course in Liberal Logic one of these days.
So Bush can be blamed for allowing the attack to happen, but not praised for preventing another one.

Man I have got to take a course in Liberal Logic one of these days.

I thiught you had that down pat. Like kerry is a flip flopper but bush is not ?
So Bush can be blamed for allowing the attack to happen, but not praised for preventing another one.

Man I have got to take a course in Liberal Logic one of these days.
Well, we have to spend a few years thinking happy thoughts and pretending that the people who planned 9/11 weren't planning it.

There are several steps to this.

1. Ignore that the planners were never arrested.
2. That it took years, most of which Bush wasn't President, to plan and coordinate that attack.
3. That the planners were free to plan because we arrested "all the bad guys" and put them in prison here in the US. It is "successful" policy to put them in jail, nothing bad can come from that.
4. Pretend that returning to that failed policy will net us a different result.

If you suspect that you are beginning to falter rinse and repeat.

If you do that, it becomes easy to blame Bush. It also helps if you think that failed policy is something new and "change". Moving from a new failed policy, to return to a previously failed policy will therefore be "change" and new, bright and shiny.