Jollie.. To answer the questions you asked me


The Force is With Me
From Jollie ..

Hey, Blackascoal, I've been hoping to catch you on here, to ask your opinion about something, because I believe you're a fair-minded, and honest person, about your opinions.

First, I have just ONE Question: Where do you think Barack Hussein Obama would BE, if we KNEW ALL THE INFORMATION WE HAVE NOW, IF WE HAD IT BEFORE THE IOWA CAUCUS? That's RIGHT, he'd be back home in Chicago, going to Church and Listening to "Hate-Whitey Speech", for the "Rev.'s" Wright and Phlagel, and throwing Parties, for his Friends the TERRORISTS, William Ayers, and Bernie "Stick a Fork in 'Em" Dohrn.

And second: With the Skeletons piling up, OUTSIDE the Closet Door, WHY WOULD LIBERALS IGNORE, All the things that would make ANY OTHER PERSON IN HISTORY an IMPOSSIBLE Prospect for President?

I have a Theory. Once you are SO HIGHLY INVESTED in a person, even an Anti-American, Racist, Terrorist-Befreinding person, and you have BACKED THEM WITH YOUR HEART AND SOUL, even when,(if you're a Liberal) you find out they have done DISQUALIFYING ACTIONS, your PRIDE will not ALLOW you to SEE the TRUTH, won't ALLOW you to SPEAK OUT FOR WHAT YOU KNOW IN YOUR HEART IS RIGHT, to speak out, and say, "THIS man is NOT FIT, to be President of these United States. He has TOO MANY ASSOCIATIONS WITH UNSAVORY CHARACTERS, RACE-HATERS AND TERRORISTS WHO BOMB THE PENTAGON, THE CAPITOL, NYPD HEADQUARTERS."

But Liberals are AFRAID to say it. That's where the GUILT comes in. For African-Americans, they are AFRAID, they will be branded "TRAITORS", or "UNCLE TOMS". They KNOW, from EVERYTHING THEY WERE TAUGHT IN CHURCH, ABOUT RIGHT AND WRONG, that it is WRONG, to support this man, but only a BRAVE FEW have spoken out. I have seen them on TV, heard them on radio, and read their columns.
But when BRILLIANT MEN AND WOMEN, like Clarence Thomas, Walter Williams, Thomas Sowell, Condoleeza Rice, Alan Keys, or the dozens MORE I could name, ALL Black, when THEY speak out against Abortion, and even KILLING LIVE BABIES THAT SURVIVED ABORTION, like BARACK OBAMA SUPPORTED, when they REFUSE TO MAKE EXCUSES FOR RAPISTS, CHILD MOLESTERS, MURDERERS, DRUG DEALERS, whether Black OR White, when these GREAT BLACK ROLE MODELS SPEAK OUT, for what they were taught in Church, what they KNOW in their HEARTS to be RIGHT, the REST of the "Black Community" not only IGNORES them, they BASH these Leaders!

The Very People that theBlack Community should be HOLDING UP TO THEIR YOUTH, and saying THIS is a Person you can Model your Life around, they call NAMES! And WHY? Because of Racists and Poverty Pimps, because of SCAM ARTISTS, like Farrakhan, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Barack Obama, Rev. Jerimiah Wright, and others, have the Majority of Blacks SO SCARED to go against the SCAM ARTISTS, they refuse to do what they KNOW is right.
Do you believe I am wrong about any of that? Don't just say "yes", please. Explain.

First let me say that I think posting here will be good for you .. that is if you open your mind. The reason I say that is because there are adults here, and, with all due respect, your comments belie the truth that you don't spend much time talking to adults. Seriously, I don't intend that as an attack, but as a hope that you actually make yourself better.

Here's something you should seriously think about .. you spend a lot of time .. make that an inordinate amount of time espousing what you think black people should do. Whether you're aware of it or not, that signals insecurity, fear, envy, or any variety of psychosis that I don't know how to spell. You seem to believe that we need your guidance or your help.

The problem you should seriously think about is that it doesn't take a whole lot of intelligence to disprove what you've been led to believe. What ever issue it is you have with black people, it's fucking with your mind my brother. You're fighting a battle you can't win.

Case in point ...

The people you mention and the people you hold to such high regard are not "leaders" in the black community. In fact, I'm not sure they've ever visited the black community. None of those you mention, not one of them, has ever participated in the struggle for civil and social rights. All they've done is take advantage of the doors that were opened by people like Jackson, Sharpton, King, and Malcolm X .. and all people you call "scam artists", "poverty pimps."

So what qualifies them "leaders?"

Is it because you and people of your ideological ilk like them? Who, like your false "leaders", are more people who have never lifted a finger to open doors of opportunity for blacks in this country. Yet THEY should be the ones determining who we should hold up as role models .. not black people themselves? I could write a book on all the things wrong and unlearned about what you've posted .. with a big ass emphsis on "unlearned" my brother. What you've said doesn't demonstrate intelligence or the ability to learn.

Rice and Powell have been powerless minions for the most failed and despised administration in American history .. and both have been willing participants in the failure and fraud of Iraq. Powell has even admitted he lied and he knew it was a lie when he said it. Fortunately black people were smarter than you about these two, and, apparently we know history better than you because we remember the MyLai Incident and Powell's role in it. We know he's a serial defrauder and he has no backbone, no principal. He will do whatever he's told.

Both Powell and Rice fit quite nicely as house negros .. that's why you like them. In fact, everybody you mentioned fits nicely in that category .. that's why you like them. But not only are they not black leaders or role models, with the exception of Rice, Powell, and Uncle Thomas, they have no place in history .. and even that ridiculous trio of castrated door mats will have their places in history tainted right along with the rest of right-wing failures.

Alan Keyes .. you must be kidding. This is the same bozo the republicans threw in the Illinois senate race when no one else would challenge BARAK OBAMA, including Mike Ditka. That election gave Keyes his only place in history that will be remebered .. He was on the ass end of the biggest defeat in Illinois election history. He talked all that same bullshit about abortion .. and WHITE PEOPLE, blacks, asians, hispanics, jews, arabs, and Native Americans soundly rejected him. He was a joke.

Sowell and Williams are economists that few people ever pay attention to until they're trying to dig up acceptable house negros for an argument. The economic lassiz-fare theories they espouse is just that .. theories, that are rarely applicable to modern society. Most people, irrespective of race, don't have a clue who the hell they are.

But the most remarkable thing about everyone of them is they are all old enough to have participated in the civil right movement, but they didn't. That monumental and historic challenge was left to those we call heros and you call "scam artists." Because of the wisdom and courage of these so-called "scam artists", FOUR HUNDRED YEARS of oppression began to change .. not because of anything your so-called "leaders" did, but because of what OUR leaders did.

If you think they're leaders .. you keep them. They are not celebrated in the black community because they haven't done shit but take advantage of the opportunities that braver people created. Everyone youmentioned is a castrated, spayed, and nutered house negro.

And more to the point of your belief that blacks need your advice .. you are blind. Whether you can see or not isn't the point, but there's a blind spot in your head.

An African-American .. that you don't like .. is about to become the leader of the free world and the most powerful man on the planet. He has run the most brilliant campaign in American history and in spite of the circus of Rev Wright and other braindead distractions, he just beat the most powerful political dynasty in America .. and 4 years ago he was a State Senator that nobody knew. He wasn't born into money but he has a degree from Columbia, a Law degree from Harvard .. Magna Cum Laude, and was the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review.

What do you know of role models?

Look around you, African-American accomplishments are everywhere in virtually every pursuit. .. They are incredible accomplishments that have been gained in a just 42 years of relative freedom. Strides that have been made because we kicked the door to opportunity open. Opportunity that was not given, but taken. .. and taken pursuing the course WE planned and steered. 42 years of relative freedom and reaching the top in nearly every pursuit in American life .. including becoming its ultimate leader. That is an amazing and admirable accomplishment, often reaching the pinnacles in creative and innovative ways.

You seem like a young guy so I'll use an example of your generation. Rap music .. it's the most listened to and imitated music on planet earth. 70 percent of the people who buy rap are white people .. blacks buy about 8%. Young blacks not only created the music, they created the distribution channels to profit from it. They created their own labels and production companies and eliminated many of the usual profiteers. They've made billions. Last year Jay Z made more money than Donald Trump. They own professional sports teams. Any idea how much money you have to have and the examination you have to go through to own a professional sports team?

Black women entreprenuers like Oprah and Tyra Banks have created their own empires. I could go on and on and on.

All of this, and much much more was done in just FOURTY-TWO YEARS OF RELATIVE FREEDOM.

Why do we need your advice? You belong to a shrinking and failed ideology. You should spend more time wondering and worrying about people you know, not those you don't.

Are there still problems? .. Hell yes .. who wouldn't have problems with 400 years of oppression and hate and only 42 years of relative freedom? But then again, every community has problems, including yours no matter what community of people that is. I don't spend my time concerend about whatever pathologies you and whatever race you are have because I don't have your fear, envy, or insecurities, nor do I focus on the negatives of any group of people.

I don't say any of this in anger, but perhaps without being aware, you validate why African-Americans distance themselves from people like you. You parrot tired old unintelligent racist beliefs without learning from all you see around you. Stop focusing on the negatives and the accomplishments will amaze you. 42 years. What you're saying is, quite simply, not intelligent. I'm not suggesting that you aren't intelligent, but what you posted is not intelligent thought my brother

We've done an excellent job of charting and steering our own course and an excellent job of choosing our own heros and heroines. You don't know our history .. you speak in ignorance about people you don't even know.

Do this .. go rent "The Great Debaters" and watch it by yourself. It's a true story that is truly amazing. It's about people and accomplishment you don't know, haven't lived, and demonstrate no understanding of.

Being here can be good for you.

There are lots of adults here.
Well now who would of guessed they would call..

All people who are black, from a Presidential candidate to the Sec. of State, Supreme court judges, authors, economist, who is a Republican, a house negro.

And why are blacks who become Republicans called(house Negros or Uncle Toms.? Because they had the nerve to leave the Democrat Plantation. So they are regarded as nobodies, or as ineffective, or only following orders.

So Typical to hear you all spouting this, it's pretty sickening.
And why are blacks who become Republicans called(house Negros or Uncle Toms.? Because they had the nerve to leave the Democrat Plantation. So they are regarded as nobodies, or as ineffective, or only following orders.

So Typical to hear you all spouting this, it's pretty sickening.

Yeah the three of them have it pretty bad. They're rich as hell though, so I don't guess that mind that much. :cof1:
Well now who would of guessed they would call..

All people who are black, from a Presidential candidate to the Sec. of State, Supreme court judges, authors, economist, who is a Republican, a house negro.


The good news about your kind of thinking is that it doesn't count. It doesn't matter how fevently you believe, it doesn't matter.

If you were truly interested in any form of debate or conversation about what I term "house negro" and what qualifies them as such, I left a lot of meat on the table for your to choose from .. but you didn't. In fact I defined the distinction pretty clearly in my post .. but you didn't touch it.

All black republicans do not qualify and that isn't what you read me to say.

J.C. Watts managed to get out with his dignity intact as an example.

As a matter of fact, J.C. Watts was the republican Barack Obama, but even he recognized what he had to give up to get a better seat a massa's table.

You must forgive my tendency to have fun with this .. and if you don't, well that's even better.