Josh Shapiro tells Trump to stop 's--- talking America,' 'trying to divide us'

Guno צְבִי

Am Yisrael Chai
Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro tore into former President Trump on Monday for "whining" and "s--t talking" about America's problems and not speaking enough about the greatness of the country.

"All they hear from Donald Trump is a whole bunch of whining about this country," Shapiro said of voters. "I think Donald Trump’s got to quit whining, got to quit trying to divide us."

"We’re producing more energy than ever before in this nation," he continued. "We have the strongest economy in the world and we are beating China for the first time in decades. More people went to work this morning in America than at any other time in our nation’s history."

"So, I got a message to Donald Trump and all his negativity and whining: stop s--- talking America!" he said.

"This is the greatest country on Earth and it’s time that we all start acting like it," he said. "The good people of Pennsylvania understand that this is a great country, understand that we got a whole lot going for us."
