Journalists cum Salesmen


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Television viewers should get out of the habit of seeing talking heads as journalists when they are salesmen.

Basically, Chris Matthews is not a lousy journalist, he is a piss-poor salesman compared to FOX network’s top salesmen Sean Hannity, Ticker Carlson, and Bret Baier. Top salesmen get the big bucks because they sell more of their network’s product line. It just so happens that FOX sells a better product than MSNBC sells.

QUESTION: Would Chris Matthews become a top salesman if he moved over to FOX? ANSWER: I doubt it because not one of FOX’s army of liberals sell very much regardless of their on-air time. In short: Salesmanship is a job requirement for TV networks:


Salesmanship is defined as the level of skill you have in convincing people to buy or in persuading people to do something.

A worker at a car dealership who sells the most cars month after month is an example of a person with great salesmanship skills.

A manager who successfully motivates a staff to take on and accomplish a project on which they may be reluctant to work is an example of a person with great salesmanship skills.

Put it this way. Salesmanship is selling a new car that turns out to be a clunker. Take the car back to the dealer and he is not going to admit he sold you a lemon —— he is going to sell you a paint job. That is salesmanship.

Television’s salesmen are used car salesmen selling nothing but lemons. A super used car salesman convinces the suckers they are buying a new Rolls Royce when he knows he is selling a lemon. Salesmanship comes in selling a lemon that looks good when the sucker does not ask to look under the hood. (Television can afford to repeat the lie with tax dollars until the suckers buy it.)

Interestingly, Democrats forever complain about men being paid more money than women are paid for doing the same job. MSNBC pays Rachel Maddow less than they pay Chris Matthews because she never sells anything.

The equal pay argument might be valid when men and women perform the same work in a pickle factory, but the argument does not hold water when it comes to sales commissions. Top salespeople are paid more when they sell more.


Conversely, saleswomen and salesmen are shown the door like Willie Loman when their personalities lose the edge required to sell.

Finally, paid tax dollars to sell a political cause is not in the same league as an intelligent saleswoman selling a real product:
