JPP: A Study In The Internet Sandbox

Cancel 2018. 3

<-- sched 2, MJ sched 1
when i first joined, it was at the behest of someone from debatepolicy. at that point, the only two political boards that i had joined were, DP and USMB. at first i was attached to DP because i knew the members from USMB (the first board i joined and jim was the owner and then sold and then started DP) at first, i thought the level of debate here was fairly good. that changed over time.

the board now seems to be nothing but a flame/bitch fest. i am not innocent of this. i do, however, miss the earlier days when there was more debate than bitchfests. i don't mind insults thrown with actual debate, it happens offline and i have no problem with it happening online.

lately, the trolls and bitchfests have won out. virtually all regular members are at each others throats. again, i am not innocent of this. i miss the board where we had higher level of debates with minor bitchfests. it is now the opposite and troll accounts run the board.