JPP Debate Tournament: Final Planning

I'm Watermark

So, if the mods won't do this, I will. It sounds fun. ;)

We need either 3 or 5 judges. And as many contestants as sign up - but if there's less than four, this will be pretty pointless.

This thing will actually happen. It won't be delayed indefinitely. :bleh:
So, if the mods won't do this, I will. It sounds fun. ;)

We need either 3 or 5 judges. And as many contestants as sign up - but if there's less than four, this will be pretty pointless.

This thing will actually happen. It won't be delayed indefinitely. :bleh:

My heart is a flutter
I simply do not have time to write walls of text and properly research. I can be a judge, but not a participant.
i would have responded in the other thread but ILA for some reason banned the very people that would be best able to address his question

seriously ILA, spiteban me in like something else. #smh

anyway, yes this stuff is hard to get everyone to agree on a time. So it'll probably be stretched out. We will do this. I will start talking to mott. I am the master of ceremonies.

rana damo and mott will be judges.

I am busy next two weeks almost completely.

but things are in motion.
I'm still volunteering to be a judge. :D

And I still support that 100%. :clap

You, Tom, Sati and Billy are really the only decent choices for judges.

Liberals and Socialists tend to have the problem of excess empathy, so impartiality can be beyond them. While their counterparts tend to be more detached and objective. Take that as you will...
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And I still support that 100%. :clap

You, Tom, Sati and Billy are really the only decent choices for judges.

Liberals and Socialists tend to have the problem of excess empathy, so impartiality can be beyond them. While their counterparts tend to be more detached and objective. Take that as you will...

Brother Yurt is no longer with us. He has moved on to another site. May he suffer for his abandonment.
jpp is better off without yurt. His trolling and crybaby fests just went to the level of absurdity. It's a breath of fresh air not to see his spam. I hope he is happy wherever he is and that he stays there.

I've noticed that almost every person that ends up leaving JPP in recent times (not counting those lost simply due to the ages of time, but those that just pick up and say "im leaving") almost always makes JPP better for it.
I simply do not have time to write walls of text and properly research. I can be a judge, but not a participant.
I'd like to participate as a judge but it's crazy busy at work and I need to find time to get in shape on my bike. Sorry. I might be available later in the summer or fall.
Work is lining up to be a heavy load soon and lasting a while. In addition to ongoing repairs from the storms, we have numerous substations that are scheduled for major refits and outages.

WB is gonna be busy as a one-armed paperhanger.
jpp is better off without yurt. His trolling and crybaby fests just went to the level of absurdity. It's a breath of fresh air not to see his spam. I hope he is happy wherever he is and that he stays there.

I've noticed that almost every person that ends up leaving JPP in recent times (not counting those lost simply due to the ages of time, but those that just pick up and say "im leaving") almost always makes JPP better for it.

Not only that...but have you noticed the lack of a barrage of trolling posts once a certain troll was put on IA? This place is like a breath of fresh air now. For everybody!

lets face it, the collective will isn't at critical level yet. Post-poned.

Darn. Because of the above, I was willing to do whatever you guys need.

Still am. I have plenty of free time.
Not only that...but have you noticed the lack of a barrage of trolling posts once a certain troll was put on IA? This place is like a breath of fresh air now. For everybody!

Darn. Because of the above, I was willing to do whatever you guys need.

Still am. I have plenty of free time.

You should have done what I told you to do along time ago you fag
He's talking about me, I think. It works out well either way.

lol...I wonder how many of our resident trolls are going to think I was giving them the satisfaction of "He's talking about me"...

Fucking attention whores are sooooo needy of my attention!