JPP Email issue is resolved...


Staff member
After fixing the database and testing several different ways, including seeing a new user register and get verified (unsolicited, not for testing) I can now safely say that the site is sending out the verification emails again.

Sorry for how long it took for me to figure it out, but I have been working crazy hours and have a 3 hour one way commute that is ending for me soon so I'll be able to get back to normal soon....

Anyway, I hope this works for you and your friends now... all you folks that were complaining.

Here's some actual footage of me trying to find the issue for your entertainment:

After fixing the database and testing several different ways, including seeing a new user register and get verified (unsolicited, not for testing) I can now safely say that the site is sending out the verification emails again.

Sorry for how long it took for me to figure it out, but I have been working crazy hours and have a 3 hour one way commute that is ending for me soon so I'll be able to get back to normal soon....

Anyway, I hope this works for you and your friends now... all you folks that were complaining.

Here's some actual footage of me trying to find the issue for your entertainment:


Thank you for your efforts
After fixing the database and testing several different ways, including seeing a new user register and get verified (unsolicited, not for testing) I can now safely say that the site is sending out the verification emails again.

Sorry for how long it took for me to figure it out, but I have been working crazy hours and have a 3 hour one way commute that is ending for me soon so I'll be able to get back to normal soon....

Anyway, I hope this works for you and your friends now... all you folks that were complaining.

Here's some actual footage of me trying to find the issue for your entertainment:


Thanks for all the work you put into the site so we can enjoy it, Damo.
After fixing the database and testing several different ways, including seeing a new user register and get verified (unsolicited, not for testing) I can now safely say that the site is sending out the verification emails again.

Sorry for how long it took for me to figure it out, but I have been working crazy hours and have a 3 hour one way commute that is ending for me soon so I'll be able to get back to normal soon....

Anyway, I hope this works for you and your friends now... all you folks that were complaining.

Here's some actual footage of me trying to find the issue for your entertainment:


Three hours one way? That's insane. Bet you're looking forward to working from home.
I knew nothing about email issues. How many (or who) have other's email?

But glad you'll be back to "normal" (whatever that is!) soon.

And I know where you're coming from on the long commutes,
I drove tractor trailer and sometimes put in a 14-16 hr. day!
After fixing the database and testing several different ways, including seeing a new user register and get verified (unsolicited, not for testing) I can now safely say that the site is sending out the verification emails again.

Sorry for how long it took for me to figure it out, but I have been working crazy hours and have a 3 hour one way commute that is ending for me soon so I'll be able to get back to normal soon....

Anyway, I hope this works for you and your friends now... all you folks that were complaining.

Here's some actual footage of me trying to find the issue for your entertainment:


One hopes that no one promised you that the dictators life is ALL sex, drugs, and Rock-n-Roll.

If someone did you should consider suing them.
After fixing the database and testing several different ways, including seeing a new user register and get verified (unsolicited, not for testing) I can now safely say that the site is sending out the verification emails again.

Sorry for how long it took for me to figure it out, but I have been working crazy hours and have a 3 hour one way commute that is ending for me soon so I'll be able to get back to normal soon....

Anyway, I hope this works for you and your friends now... all you folks that were complaining.

Here's some actual footage of me trying to find the issue for your entertainment:


Three hour one way commute????

What is your job, smuggling drugs across the border????