JPP Instructional Guide

Mott the Hoople

Sweet Jane
For our new users who have joined our dysfunctional little community on the interwebs. The Following instructional video is here as a tutorial for what you can expect as a member. I hope you find this helpful and your feedback will be appreciated.

I keep popping in and out Rune. The Trump years have kind of taken their toll on me. We have a serious problem in this nation of Wag the Dog.

I really lost interest due to Trump.
Now I just rent out my login to Legion.
Much either than thinking about Trump winning in '24 which is a given at this point.
I really lost interest due to Trump.
Now I just rent out my login to Legion.
Much either than thinking about Trump winning in '24 which is a given at this point.

I hate to say it but you and Mott are both pussies. Some guy (Trump) drained your energy? You both sound like teenage girls reading stupid fucking vampire novels.
For our new users who have joined our dysfunctional little community on the interwebs. The Following instructional video is here as a tutorial for what you can expect as a member. I hope you find this helpful and your feedback will be appreciated.


I love it that people can be unfiltered here. I prefer it this way. The useless trolls, I just put on ignore.
I love it that people can be unfiltered here. I prefer it this way. The useless trolls, I just put on ignore.
That’s the spirit! It’s why I like JPP though I do admit I have a bad habit of trolling the trolls.

Also you can throw insults around here like monkey poo and get away with it. :)

There are some folks here that you can have an honest and interesting conversation with if you’re not afraid to risk offending or being offended and they have the same sensibility even when you strongly disagree with.

Shoot some of my favorite members here are folks I often don’t agree with.