JPP "Write a rule contest"

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Since everyone here is so upset lately, I thought this might be interesting. I'm Billy by the way. But since I don't feel like taking anyone off my ignore list, I'm using my alt account.

So here are the rules. You PM me (at this account) with you rule change(s). This is done with the understanding that I WILL share the rule suggestions with the board at large, but it will done anonymously. Everyone is welcome, but remember, this is just a SUGGESTION contest. There is no guarantee we will implement your suggestions, and if it's a dumb one I will make sure everyone knows why it's dumb. Again, this is also anonymous, just between you guys and me (I may report good ones to the other mods).

So let's have at it. You guys think writing and enforcing rules impartially is easy, so show me how it's done.
I've recieved 2 suggestions so far. C'mon boys and girls, I thought you all KNEW what needed to be done here.
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