Juan Williams

Cancel 2016.2

The Almighty

I don't agree with good old Juan often, but this is a good article....

"The uneasy truth may be that Mr. Obama is not worried about alienating white voters with his stands on race. It is more likely that he fears having to speak the truth about the poor -- who are disproportionately black and Latino -- needing to take more responsibility for family breakdown, bad schools, thug-life culture and high poverty rates.

A 2007 Pew poll found that nearly 40% of blacks said the poor have become so divorced from middle-class values that they are a separate race. Mr. Obama has to know this tension exists. When he spoke in a black church about the need for black men to be good fathers it may have angered the Jesse Jacksons of the world. But it was a rare moment when he was willing to reveal himself and speak on an important racial issue. It did him no political harm; it may have helped him."

"If Mr. Obama is really to remind the nation of Martin Luther King, he might follow King's example of taking a moral stand. King did not vacillate on his call for civil rights laws, voting rights laws or fair housing laws. He took a stand even with his own supporters. In his historic speech on Aug. 28, 1963, King declared "there is something that I must say to my people," and then spoke against bitterness, hatred and violence even in the name of "gaining our rightful place" and freedom.

Now it is Mr. Obama's turn to speak as a moral conscience on race -- if only because it is the only truly effective way he can put the race issue behind him. Then he can begin filling in the specifics of his plans for the economy, dealing with terrorists and the war in Iraq. That will give voters a chance to realize the nation's dream of judging people on the content of their character and leadership, not their race."

More at link....

I think if Obama takes Juans advice he will help himself a great deal with voters.
Oh, for Christ's sake. I guess Juan has never heard one of Obama's stump speeches.

The guy actually gets criticism for calling those families to take more personal responsibility, and slamming deadbeat Dads in the black community. It's one of his primary themes.
Oh, for Christ's sake. I guess Juan has never heard one of Obama's stump speeches.

The guy actually gets criticism for calling those families to take more personal responsibility, and slamming deadbeat Dads in the black community. It's one of his primary themes.

Then I look forward to hearing him speak on the subject tonight.
So you haven't heard a stump speech either?

Your thing is just to parrot this stuff, without having any idea what Obama is actually saying out on the trail?

I have heard a few, but most definitely not all of his speeches.... and NO, I do not recall him mentioning anything of the sort. Which doesn't mean that he hasn't, it just means I have not heard it. But since it is a primary theme for him I am sure we will hear it tonight.

Sorry that I have not been a good little disciple/lemming and followed every single speech the man has made.
I have heard a few, but most definitely not all of his speeches.... and NO, I do not recall him mentioning anything of the sort. Which doesn't mean that he hasn't, it just means I have not heard it. But since it is a primary theme for him I am sure we will hear it tonight.

Sorry that I have not been a good little disciple/lemming and followed every single speech the man has made.

Well, I would think that - when confronted with a link to a pretty well-publicized speech he made to the NAACP, which some were very critical of - you might at least think to take Juan to task for accusing Obama of being "afraid" to address these things with the black community.

I guess that might be too much for you, though.

“I know some say I’ve been too tough on folks about this responsibility stuff. But I’m not going to stop talking about it. Because I believe that in the end, it doesn’t matter how much money we invest in our communities, or how many 10-point plans we propose, or how many government programs we launch — none of it will make any difference if we don’t seize more responsibility in our own lives.”

THAT is a great statement. One that applies to all of us... not just the black community.

Well, I would think that - when confronted with a link to a pretty well-publicized speech he made to the NAACP, which some were very critical of - you might at least think to take Juan to task for accusing Obama of being "afraid" to address these things with the black community.

I guess that might be too much for you, though.

Again, oh proud disciple of the One.... as I stated, I had not heard this from him, but I also stated that didn't mean he hadn't said it. Quit getting your panties in such a bunch when people post articles for discussion. As in doing so, you were able to point out where Juan was wrong... while educating me on his stance at the same time.
Whats Obama trying to do, lose the black vote? How dare he tell them to take more personal responsibility, next thing you know they just might do it and all turn into Republicans.

The Illinois senator — who would be the first black elected as president — also returned to his message that blacks must "do more in our own lives, our own families, and our own communities,"