Just a plain new user!

Hello, Mark.

Have fun here.

It can be a sewer...but if one cannot laugh at the shit that goes down here, "a sewer" is where one should be.
S'mae/Hi Mark - the great thing is to put certain persons on 'Ignore' early. There are some remarkable right-wing noodles here, boring beyond any known human measure.
iolo is correct, Mark: some of the loose posting rules suggest that some posters should be isolated quickly.

I hope you enjoy it here.
Hi, there!

My name's Mark, and I look forward to having interesting conversations here. :)
You’ve come to the right place. There’s more laughs here since Trump got elected than a barrel full of monkeys. Between right wingers defending every stupid thing he says and liberal snowflakes melting down over the same this place has been a riot! :)
You’ve come to the right place. There’s more laughs here since Trump got elected than a barrel full of monkeys. Between right wingers defending every stupid thing he says and liberal snowflakes melting down over the same this place has been a riot! :)

You sound as though you are being facetious, Mott.


Lots of shit gets thrown...but if you don't take it, or yourself, too seriously, it is a riot.
Uh, yeah. It's like Saudis and Republicans throwing around dismembered body parts of a vocal critic, playing "Hot Potato, Hot Potato, ... Who's got the Hot Potato?". A real Fun Factory. :(
Trump earlier:

I asked Putin...and he assured me the Russians did not make any attempts to disrupt our election. He likes me...so I am sure he is telling me the truth.

Trump now:

I asked the King...and his Son...and they assured me they had nothing to do with the killing. They like me...so I am sure they are telling me the truth.

Trump is a fucking moron who has no idea of how much these people are laughing at him.
Uh, yeah. It's like Saudis and Republicans throwing around dismembered body parts of a vocal critic, playing "Hot Potato, Hot Potato, ... Who's got the Hot Potato?". A real Fun Factory. :(

Or When conservatives reacted to 911 by invading Iraq. Oh the names I got called back then for being right and making fun of their incompetence. I wasn’t to popular with the left for giving them shit for not speaking up load enough. Good times then.
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Trump earlier:

I asked Putin...and he assured me the Russians did not make any attempts to disrupt our election. He likes me...so I am sure he is telling me the truth.

Trump now:

I asked the King...and his Son...and they assured me they had nothing to do with the killing. They like me...so I am sure they are telling me the truth.

Trump is a fucking moron who has no idea of how much these people are laughing at him.

Damn you, sir!!

I had this same thought last night and was going to post it.

Sadly, you beat me to it.

Here's to you!

Damn you, sir!!

I had this same thought last night and was going to post it.

Sadly, you beat me to it.

Here's to you!


Glad I beat you to it...

...but it seems inconceivable that the people who still support this abomination do not see it without either of us having to shove it in their face.