Just a Reminder...


Staff member
Rule 11. No Posing....

11. No Posing. Definition: Creating a "troll" account that matches another user's account. These accounts will be banned, leaving your other account open. Unless it was done for the purpose of intimidation, you will likely lose permanently all access to the site if such is the case.
Well, to be fair posers are people who are close enough to fool a bunch of people. Most of those trolls weren't posers, they were just trolls.
He looks like it. I always tell my dog he's "the best dog in the whole world". He totally believes me :)

My uncle Carl used to berate his dog Fred with lines like "ah, Fred, you're just a dog...", and remind us youngin's that it doesn't matter what you say, just how you say it. You can sadistically should at your dog that he's a saint, and it probably won't take you at your word. :cof1:
My uncle Carl used to berate his dog Fred with lines like "ah, Fred, you're just a dog...", and remind us youngin's that it doesn't matter what you say, just how you say it. You can sadistically should at your dog that he's a saint, and it probably won't take you at your word. :cof1:
Yeah....I had a Pointer that I would call a black and white bitch right to her face and she'd just keep waggin' that tail and tappin' her toenails on the kitchen floor, knowin' she was fixin' to get a treat.

The son of a bitch in my avatar is really a saint. He was diagnosed with cancer and put to sleep about two weeks ago. RIP, Milkbone! I visualize him in doggy Heaven, singin' his heart out wantin' to be petted and to have his back scratched. It is amazing to me how his neighborhood dog-friends miss him and express their wonderment regarding his absence when I visit.
Yeah....I had a Pointer that I would call a black and white bitch right to her face and she'd just keep waggin' that tail and tappin' her toenails on the kitchen floor, knowin' she was fixin' to get a treat.

The son of a bitch in my avatar is really a saint. He was diagnosed with cancer and put to sleep about two weeks ago. RIP, Milkbone! I visualize him in doggy Heaven, singin' his heart out wantin' to be petted and to have his back scratched. It is amazing to me how his neighborhood dog-friends miss him and express their wonderment regarding his absence when I visit.

I am so sorry to hear about you losing your saint. I had to put an old friend to sleep a couple years ago and it is the hardest thing I've ever had to do. But thinking he's in doggie heaven makes it easier, so maybe they hooked up and have got themselves a great play group going...
I am so sorry to hear about you losing your saint. I had to put an old friend to sleep a couple years ago and it is the hardest thing I've ever had to do. But thinking he's in doggie heaven makes it easier, so maybe they hooked up and have got themselves a great play group going...
The only time I saw my dad cry was when Bootsie died.
USFREEDOM911 said:
Since when are tampons funny. :cof1:
LOL...OK, you got me:clink:

If you haven't seen it already, I'll retrieve an email I got recently with a humorous, uplifting anecdote concerning tampons. I can't tell it from memory as well as the email is written, it's sort of like this:

A Marine receives a care-package from home that was obviously meant for a female. He opened a parcel to find a friendly note, some cookies, a six pack of frilly panties and a package of tampons. His buddies kidded him for days about it.

The squad got into a firefight and one of the Marines was hit several times with small arms fire. With no medic around, the others frantically tied to stop their buddy's bleeding with whatever they had. They finally tried a tampon. It swelled the way it's supposed to and stopped the bleeding from the major wound.

The doctor that saw the man later said that he would have died without the tampon. Now every man in the whole squad of big, bad Marines carries his own tampons each every time they go out.
If you haven't seen it already, I'll retrieve an email I got recently with a humorous, uplifting anecdote concerning tampons. I can't tell it from memory as well as the email is written, it's sort of like this:

A Marine receives a care-package from home that was obviously meant for a female. He opened a parcel to find a friendly note, some cookies, a six pack of frilly panties and a package of tampons. His buddies kidded him for days about it.

The squad got into a firefight and one of the Marines was hit several times with small arms fire. With no medic around, the others frantically tied to stop their buddy's bleeding with whatever they had. They finally tried a tampon. It swelled the way it's supposed to and stopped the bleeding from the major wound.

The doctor that saw the man later said that he would have died without the tampon. Now every man in the whole squad of big, bad Marines carries his own tampons each every time they go out.

Maxi pads are good for large wounds, when used with pressure, if you don't have a dressing.
Rule 11. No Posing....

Yet your rules allow for multiple accounts... I'm surprised you don't see the folly of such leniency. Unless you say something by matching IPs, I can kick an idea around and prop it with dummies. This isn't conducive to an honest discussion on any issue. Does make it a bit more entertaining in the War Zone though:cof1:
Yet your rules allow for multiple accounts... I'm surprised you don't see the folly of such leniency. Unless you say something by matching IPs, I can kick an idea around and prop it with dummies. This isn't conducive to an honest discussion on any issue. Does make it a bit more entertaining in the War Zone though:cof1:

Latest comment sent to me, by this idiot:

"You and Yurt fuckbuddies or something?"

Look out Yurt, it looks like the troll is trolling. :palm: