Just a weird bit of news


Creeping Sharia has already extended to the dietary practices of British dhimmis, who are involuntarily consuming meats ritually slaughtered and prayed over in good Islamic practice.
Although this Daily Mail investigation of the stealth Islamization of the British meat industry is largely fixated on the "animal cruelty" aspect of the story, the findings provide another disturbing example of Britain's steady Islamization, as evidenced by its "stealth halal-ization":

....chools, hospitals, pubs and famous sporting venues such as Ascot and Twickenham are controversially serving up meat slaughtered in accordance with strict Islamic law to unwitting members of the public. All the beef, chicken and lamb sold to fans at Wembley has secretly been prepared in accordance with sharia law, while Cheltenham College, which boasts of its ‘strong Christian ethos', is one of several top public schools which also serves halal chicken to pupils without informing them. Even Britain's biggest hotel and restaurant group Whitbread, which owns the Beefeater and Brewers Fayre chains, among many others, has admitted that more than three-quarters of its poultry is halal.

For those obsessed with the animal cruelty aspect of the story, I am more concerned about how this "ritual slaughter" is eerily reminiscent of what was inflicted en masse to the hapless Armenians by their "Muslim brethren" neighbors during the pogroms that culminated in the World War I era jihad genocide of the Armenian Christians. Here is a description of the halal slaughter of livestock, from the Daily Mail story:

Sharia law expressly forbids knocking the animal out with a bolt gun, as is usual in British slaughter*houses. Instead, it must be sentient when its throat is cut, and the blood allowed to drip from the carcass while a religious phrase in praise of Allah is recited.

article here
I heard that if you eat halal food you catch the Islam. 'lessin of course you warsh it down with Manischewitz, then you end up with Holy War in your digestive track which ends in a one state solution in the toilet.