Just signed up - let's check it out!

Is this the real Toby?

If you are the Toby of FP.com legend, then Threedee welcomes you to JPP. If not, then you are still welcome aboard, regardless.

nah, not from FP whatever that is....by the way, can you use profanity on this site? (already used it once so hope I don't get canned for it
nah, not from FP whatever that is....by the way, can you use profanity on this site? (already used it once so hope I don't get canned for it

All the fucking time. This is a loosely moderated site. The only taboo word/insinuation is pedophilia, which the administrator believes can set the site up for liability. Otherwise, go nuts. The only portion of JPP which is heavily moderated is the Above Plain Politics, which has its own posted set of rules, and which you will have to request permission from the mods in order to gain access to.

The rules also state that incendiary trolls post at the discretion of the JPP staff, and can be dealt with whenever they deem it necessary. We just had a member receive a ban under Rule 14, because every single one of his posts for some time has basically amounted to sexual slurs, mostly directed at women.
Welcome. Usual mix here. Some will actually engage in conversation (debate nor a term I associate with chat boards).
Many conversations degenerate into cat fights so I wouldn't worry about cussin.