Just stopped by to say hi!

Sir Galahad

Christian Socialist Party
What a beautiful time to be alive! :)

Crash baby burn! Just a reminder that I told you all long ago and on another political site we used to gather at, that this was going to happen and that it would make the 1929 "Great Deppression" seem like a Sunday school picnic. LOL

Now maybe you will all understand why greedy "Capitalism" and "Laizzes Faire" policies will always lead to the downfall of any nation.

The one thing that's missing still is those greedy imbecils jumping out of office buildings because they can't handle being an average Joe. ROFLOL Stay tuned though, this is only the begining, the true entertainment and main attraction is not far off. Enjoy it..... I know I will! LOL

Long live justice, compassion, regulations and unions. Take care and God bless all!

Your humble, isolationist, economics 101, simpleton and Christian Socialist,
Sir Galahad
Yep SG I had pretty much been bearing the gloom and doom torch and taking the heat over here on our much anticipated finiancial debacle.