Just watched is movie

Guno צְבִי

Am Yisrael Chai
Talk about cults and control

Minus the violence, almost as weird as North Korea.

Very disturbing, all of it but especially the terms of the two years....never to be alone, watching each other? Sounds like fear control. The only time one of these newbies can think without being questioned is in the bathroom and when ‘asleep’. It’s a prison. Very, very disturbing

User Reviews

The Morg Borg
15 October 2014 | by David L. Totaro – See all my reviews
This documentary is great, it gives viewers a small glimpse into Mormonism and some of the creepy mind control tricks they use to control their members.

What's particularly funny is the fact the Mormon "Church" have just released their own "documentary" - A multi million dollar infomercial called 'Meet the Mormons' giving viewers a glossed over and deceptively positive view of the cult. An extension of the I'm a Mormon advertising campaign they initiated for Mitt Romney's 2012 presidential campaign.

The brain trained Morg Borg are all giving that film 10 star reviews and 'reporting' all the negative reviews until they're deleted (5 negative reviews have disappeared today). But due to seriously incapacitated critical thinking skills a couple have lost their way and are reviewing the wrong film here.
