Justice Scalia (aka, Jack Bauer) thinks torture can be justified


Well-known member
What happened to this country? Why is a Supreme Court Justice of the United States fantasizing about pulling someone's finger nails off (or whatever)?

"It would be absurd to say that you can’t stick something under the fingernails, smack them in the face. It would be absurd to say that." - JUSTICE SCALIA


p.s.: yeah, I know he's thinking of a ticking time bomb scenario. Something he's seen in movies or on "24". That still doesn't cut it. It's not reality, and torture should never be our stated policy.
Yeah, I read that the other day. I have little problem with cops violating proper protocols if many others life is on the line. Maybe, in that rare scenario the case gets thrown out. There are more important things than convictions and it is not as if cops ever get punished for this kind of stuff anyway. But to hell with making it a standard policy.