Justin Trudeau's Retardation Costs Tax Payers Billions On Electric Vehicle Garbage

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
What isn't retarded when it comes to Justin Trudeau, his liberals along with his NDP coalition this past decade?! The one thing I can think of was his legalization of marijuana but it certainly wasn't worth voting him into office for that for any stupid idiot that ever did vote him into office for such! The following speaks for itself while billions more of tax payers dollars are wasted on more of Trudeau's WEF retardation like throwing billions on funding doomed EV garbage!

Dead Tesla cars pile up at Chicago Superchargers in extreme cold


EV plans need to be scrapped immediately as does this Carbon Crisis hoax and that is quite obvious as it is quite obvious that relying lies (climate crisis lie) to try and force reliance upon electric everything is a death sentence! But hey that's what the WEF wants is to divide and conquer you while trying to get their sick puppets try to make you out to be the bad guy for being against their sociopathic plans so they can keep on feeding you into their plans to kill you on not only Canadians on national levels but international levels upon several countries simultaneously as well! I can think of many people who deserved to be locked up behind bars and their assets etc. taken back from them and given back to the countries they have been stealing from for years now!

Trudeau is killing Canadians in many ways, need I make a list once again?! Oh and MP's who stand to defend him I find quite obvious are trying to hide that they are in precisely the same boat. Oh MP's within main political parties are more concerned with their rights to get away with defecating on Canadians than they are concerned about Canadians rights! Just look at all parties who want to keep loading borders with migration when we already had more people than homes long ago. It speaks volumes about such individuals eagerly out to assist with killing Canadians quite obviously no matter what rhetoric they spin at you.

We need officials willing to make laws to hold tyrants and traitors in office genuinely accountable before any of them could ever be genuinely trusted again. Don't let them fool you with the circus they run within the house of commons because it is all quite obviously smoke and mirrors. Sad that they succumbed to WEF using main stream media to threaten our officials with being slandered to get them to fall in line with their sick little WEF agenda way back when the threat was the slanderous homophobe garbage of which not one heterosexual on the planet is a homophobe period.

Almost everything this Trudeau imbecile has done needs to be undone. Enough of this retard stealing from Canadians to support his sick and filthy lies and deceptions. Most of what he has done doesn't deserve to be respected or honoured!

Oh you want to get rid of woke, then it must be eliminated from the source from where it began which is none other than the woke test crash repulsive dummies known as the LGBT! Their lies and deceptions removed from legislation, from school board policies. media policies etc. and the LGBT criminalized permanently and globally for the well being and sanity of current and future generations of the life on this planet. They really were repulsive test crash dummies who followed the formula used by all woke imbeciles these days which is ignore fact, make up lies, call those lies their belief while trying to force such disgusting filth upon everyone else. They are the worlds largest modern redundancy and regression upon any society they infect with their sick and filthy lies and deceptions.

Let's not forget Trump opened the flood gates to woke garbage around the world by allowing an LGBT sicko to enter his Miss Universe Pageant when he owned it. Now that the lunatics behind woke garbage have escalated their radical insanity they are using such to indict Trump multiple times of which again Trump set that into motion globally by allowing a sicko into the pageant thus opened the floodgate to woke insanity in 2012 let's not forget.

Hat's off to the next generations Sean Strickland for having some guts and setting a decent and positive example for our youth to follow. Wow I'm feeling old at two decades older than this guy, cheers Sean on trashing woke garbage. (I suppose every 20 years is a generation gap reasonably)

Oh and question: How many Jewish people were in the twin towers (world trade center 911) when it was bombed? It couldn't possibly be zero because that would be every indication that the Jews knew it was going to happen and allowed everyone else to die anyway! How would that not be a genuine hate crime?!

They call trans rights human rights and yet it is their right to rob everyone else of the right to be what we are and all because these LGBT sickos do not want to accept themselves for what they themselves are in the first place! It's a WEF plan to make criminals out of decent citizens by forcing lies upon society and through legislation like the 2017 amendment to bill C-16 of which Bill C-16 is sketchy garbage to begin with!

Well I think I've stirred the brain cells of many with enough decent information for one night. Wouldn't want to overload you with too much at once because your heads might explode and we just might need you mentally healthy of which I suspect I just increased your mental health ten fold.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Parry Sound Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!