Kamala Harris wants 3 million new houses built

She spent billions on high speed internet, and not one person got high speed internet

Slush funds are fun and great for bribes, but never produce anything but increased corruption.

The Uniparty portion of the GOP does it too.

The worst offender is the Deep-State.

America is a failed state.

She has had almost 4 years ..not one house built
last 3 years my neighborhood has had 30 new homes built when in the last 2 decades only 5 or 6 were added. ironically most new owners were "minorities" with heavy latin accents.

Not saying they aren't polite and friendly people either. Just, I suspect her promise of this shit was in the works for quite a while on the hush hush need public doesn't need to know about it yet.

Staged outcomes to appear spontaneously arriving when systematically already here.

Know why life is a small world in this atmosphere? ancestral outcomes of ever changing population are living eternally separated as biologically here daily in plain sight.
We all have to live with strange incomers.
