Kamala Harris's Progressive Future Vision for America


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* Spending, without limit, to combat the "Climate Crisis," which includes electric vehicle mandates, ending internal
combustion engines, ending oil, coal and natural gas, mandating wind and solar.

* Enhanced "efficiency standards" for all appliances.

* Efficiency mandates for home heating and air conditioning.

* Dramatically increasing taxation.

* Dramatically increasing the size and power of government.

* Defunding and ultimately abolishing local police (increasing the size and power of federal police forces goes
without saying).

* Abolishing the First Amendment and criminalizing "hate speech."

* Open borders, citizenship for anyone entering the country, healthcare, welfare, transportation and housing
for immigrants.

* Abolishing private insurance.

* Universal Healthcare (it's worked so well for Canada and England).

* Abolishment of all vote security laws, necessary for a one-party state.

* Outlawing plastic straws.

* Packing the Supreme Court and subordinating it to the Executive.

* Favored victim group "rights" take precedence over everyone else.

* Decriminalizing crime (except "crimes" against and by government).

* Rule by Executive order.

* Free college for everyone, particularly immigrants.

* Federal control of education at all levels.

* Mandating equity--equality of outcomes--rather than equality of opportunity.

* Th elimination of cash bail and court ordered fines.

* Decriminalize drugs, abolish mandatory sentencing, expunge felony convictions, shorten probation
and parole terms.

* Outlaw solitary confinement and the death penalty, impose DEI on the system.

Do the liberals or leftists here at this forum agree and or support any or all of of Kamala's agenda?
It is hilarious watching the tinfoil hat crowd lose their collective shit over Kamala. You all realize you lost your only shot with Joe's age. LOL.
Of course they agree and support. Leftists are the stupidest group of animals to have ever walked the planet.
They will walk with eyes wide open into the abyss.
So true, and many of Camela's policies are a direct copy of biden's destructive policies. You are so right
that these stupid dems will vote for the utter destruction of America just to show how much they hate
the successful pro American agenda that Trump brought forth during his 4 years as potus. Notice you
won't get one single leftist to admit that camela's policies (which they all support) will be for the best
interest for America.
* Spending, without limit, to combat the "Climate Crisis," which includes electric vehicle mandates, ending internal
combustion engines, ending oil, coal and natural gas, mandating wind and solar.

* Enhanced "efficiency standards" for all appliances.

* Efficiency mandates for home heating and air conditioning.

* Dramatically increasing taxation.

* Dramatically increasing the size and power of government.

* Defunding and ultimately abolishing local police (increasing the size and power of federal police forces goes
without saying).

* Abolishing the First Amendment and criminalizing "hate speech."

* Open borders, citizenship for anyone entering the country, healthcare, welfare, transportation and housing
for immigrants.

* Abolishing private insurance.

* Universal Healthcare (it's worked so well for Canada and England).

* Abolishment of all vote security laws, necessary for a one-party state.

* Outlawing plastic straws.

* Packing the Supreme Court and subordinating it to the Executive.

* Favored victim group "rights" take precedence over everyone else.

* Decriminalizing crime (except "crimes" against and by government).

* Rule by Executive order.

* Free college for everyone, particularly immigrants.

* Federal control of education at all levels.

* Mandating equity--equality of outcomes--rather than equality of opportunity.

* Th elimination of cash bail and court ordered fines.

* Decriminalize drugs, abolish mandatory sentencing, expunge felony convictions, shorten probation
and parole terms.

* Outlaw solitary confinement and the death penalty, impose DEI on the system.

Do the liberals or leftists here at this forum agree and or support any or all of of Kamala's agenda?
Most of it sounds great to me, Libby. I'm all in with Ms. Harris. (y)
* Spending, without limit, to combat the "Climate Crisis," which includes electric vehicle mandates, ending internal
combustion engines, ending oil, coal and natural gas, mandating wind and solar.

* Enhanced "efficiency standards" for all appliances.

* Efficiency mandates for home heating and air conditioning.

* Dramatically increasing taxation.

* Dramatically increasing the size and power of government.

* Defunding and ultimately abolishing local police (increasing the size and power of federal police forces goes
without saying).

* Abolishing the First Amendment and criminalizing "hate speech."

* Open borders, citizenship for anyone entering the country, healthcare, welfare, transportation and housing
for immigrants.

* Abolishing private insurance.

* Universal Healthcare (it's worked so well for Canada and England).

* Abolishment of all vote security laws, necessary for a one-party state.

* Outlawing plastic straws.

* Packing the Supreme Court and subordinating it to the Executive.

* Favored victim group "rights" take precedence over everyone else.

* Decriminalizing crime (except "crimes" against and by government).

* Rule by Executive order.

* Free college for everyone, particularly immigrants.

* Federal control of education at all levels.

* Mandating equity--equality of outcomes--rather than equality of opportunity.

* Th elimination of cash bail and court ordered fines.

* Decriminalize drugs, abolish mandatory sentencing, expunge felony convictions, shorten probation
and parole terms.

* Outlaw solitary confinement and the death penalty, impose DEI on the system.

Do the liberals or leftists here at this forum agree and or support any or all of of Kamala's agenda?

So that's where all the Kool-Aid went!

* Enhanced "efficiency standards" for all appliances.

OMG that sounds horrible!

* Efficiency mandates for home heating and air conditioning.

OH NO! So you mean more efficient heating and cooling????? That's Hitler stuff there!

* Abolishing the First Amendment and criminalizing "hate speech."

No one is abolishing the First Amendment, sweetie. Now go back to your sandbox and play.

* Open borders, citizenship for anyone entering the country, healthcare, welfare, transportation and housing
for immigrants.

Where do you get this shit????

* Abolishing private insurance.

Not sure what is your issue here. I'll assume you haven't had to use insurance much.

* Universal Healthcare (it's worked so well for Canada and England).

Yeah, because healthcare that people can actually afford is a horrible thing. In America you EARN your right to stay alive. It's not a right.

* Outlawing plastic straws.

Hey, try drinking without a straw, sweetie. It's called BEING A FUCKIN' ADULT. Most of us adults don't need a sippy straw.

* Packing the Supreme Court and subordinating it to the Executive.

You mean like the Right has successfully done now?
* Decriminalizing crime (except "crimes" against and by government).


* Free college for everyone, particularly immigrants.

I love how free college is insufficiently evil for you so you have to gild the lily and make sure it somehow includes a dig at immigrants. LOL.

* Th elimination of cash bail and court ordered fines.

Hey, that would have helped your boy Trump when he was facing some huge bail costs.

* Outlaw solitary confinement and the death penalty, impose DEI on the system.

The Right DOES LOVE IT SOME torture. Solitary and the death penalty are A-OK (but abortion is bad). And what does DEI have to do with ANY of that??????

Do the liberals or leftists here at this forum agree and or support any or all of of Kamala's agenda?

Hopefully I've clarified a few points for you.
You didn't have to remind me/us that you've been this anti American, progressive, lunatic for a long time now, if not forever.
I'm not sure how trying to change America from the dumpster fire it is now
to a modern, progressive nation
can be considered anything but pro-American.
I'm not sure how trying to change America from the dumpster fire it is now
to a modern, progressive nation
can be considered anything but pro-American.
The dumpster fire we are now in is because of the 3/ 1/2 years of the biden admin making it a dumpster fire
because of it's progressive agenda. So you're saying that to continue with the dem's progressive anti American
agenda would be pro American? Wow!
Doesn't seem to me that the leftist kool aid as being sold in policy form from the OP is being sold out. In fact,
their leftist customers are raising bounds of $$ to keep those anti American policies going forward.

Typing on a very small phone?
Doesn't seem to me that the leftist kool aid as being sold in policy form from the OP is being sold out. In fact,
their leftist customers are raising bounds of $$ to keep those anti American policies going forward.

Lol, this dude ^ thinks I'm talking about the left!!
