‘Kamalanomics’ is just ‘Bidenomics’ but dumber

Truth Detector

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So very true....

‘Kamalanomics’ is just ‘Bidenomics’ but dumber

If you were hoping that one of President Joe Biden’s worst ideas, instituting a national rent-control policy for corporate-owned housing, died along with his presidential campaign, we have some bad news for you. It has been resurrected by Vice President Kamala Harris.

At her first major economic address on Friday in North Carolina, Harris unveiled proposals on everything from grocery prices, which we covered on Friday, to child tax credits, which we covered on Wednesday, to housing. At every turn, the only way Harris diverges from Biden’s failed economic plans is to make them worse.

In addition to reviving his rent-control plan, which would discourage new housing construction and thus push housing prices higher, Harris doubled Biden’s proposed $20 billion grant program to “help local governments develop innovative solutions to the lack of housing supply.”

Local governments don’t need Biden’s $20 billion or Harris’s $40 billion to “develop innovative solutions” to bring down housing prices. The solution is simple: remove regulations that make building new homes more expensive. That is what Texas has done, and housing construction is booming. All $40 billion will do is enrich Democratically aligned nonprofit groups, part of the point, which will waste the money on consultants and executive pay without helping anyone afford a new home.

Finally, Harris will take a $10,000 tax credit for “first-time homebuyers,” first proposed by Biden, and more than double it to $25,000. Leaving aside the inequity of giving the credit only to “first-time homebuyers,” the policy does nothing to induce the construction of new homes. All it does is subsidize demand for existing homes. Under Biden’s proposal, all existing homeowners would see the value of their homes increase by $10,000, which would make them much more unaffordable. Harris’s policy would more than double that inflation to $25,000. It’s the economic illiteracy of Biden on steroids.

Those hoping for a bold new direction from Harris that differentiates her from Biden must be sorely disappointed. There is no growth here, only a doubling down in many cases of Biden’s existing failed policies. She is trying hard to suggest she represents a new start, but her policies are tired, fanciful, innumerate failures.

Price controls have never worked anywhere

Yet Kamala is economically and historically ignorant. Another good reason to not elect her. One only need look to how Venezuela has fared under the Socialist ideal.

Kamala Harris can’t even fathom basic economics

Kamala Harris claims she has a plan to solve the crisis she helped cause: inflation.

Under former President Trump, the inflation rate averaged 1.9%. It skyrocketed to 9.1% in 18 months under Joe Biden and Harris, fueled by a $5 trillion spending binge paid for by debt and printing money.

The centerpiece of the Harris plan is the imposition of federal price controls on “greedy corporations” she says are “price gouging” consumers. Landlords would be prohibited from raising rents more than 5% a year.

Even the Washington Post has trashed the plan, advising Kamala that “when your opponent calls you a ‘communist,’ maybe don’t propose price controls.”

Those of a certain age will recall that back in 1971 when prices were similarly spiraling out of control, Richard Nixon announced an executive order to stop inflation. “I am today ordering a freeze on all prices and wages throughout the United States.” This unconstitutional move established a 90-day freeze was enforced by a “Pay Board” and a “Price Commission.” It was an utter failure. After the 90 days were up, inflation got worse.

Price controls have never worked anywhere, at any time. Instead, they almost invariably cause shortages, which lead to higher prices, which make consumers worse off.

This was the conclusion of a landmark study by Cliff Winston of the Brookings Institution. He found that in industries as wide-ranging as oil and gas, banking, trucking and airlines, it was the cessation of price controls and the return to the free market that led to on average a 30% reduction in prices thanks to the power of free market competition.

The energy crisis of the 1970s ended when Ronald Reagan, on the first day of his presidency, lifted all oil and gas price controls, which had only benefited the Saudis and killed domestic production. It was a teachable moment for the country.

I used to teach a course in economics to college freshmen. If they had written on their final exam that price controls were the solution to inflation, they would have failed the course.

Kamala Harris: you get an F in economics.
You call Kamala dumb, yet she is and will be sitting in the White House, controlling every facet of your f*ing life, and spending your money!

She deftly used, abused, and displaced Biden, and now will do the same to your sorry ass.

Who is dumb?
You call Kamala dumb, yet she is and will be sitting in the White House, controlling every facet of your f*ing life, and spending your money!

Ironic coming from someone bloviating abject stupidity and lacking any fundamental intelligence.

Two things, she is sitting in the White House not because she was elected, had a record of accomplishment or had a brain, but rather, because she was chosen.

Secondly, the notion that anyone sitting in the White House would control every facet of my life is moronic and illustrative of an uneducated, mentally disturbed mind that has no concept of how the real world actually works.

However, it does explain why you are stupid enough to support a Marxist moron like Kamala.

She deftly used, abused, and displaced Biden, and now will do the same to your sorry ass.

Wrong and laughably stupid. Her handlers used and abused and displaced Biden when they no longer could gaslight the American people that Biden was A OK.

But alas, low IQ leftist morons like you enjoy being lied to and gaslighted and willing to stupidly parrot their delusional talking points like a good little idiot.

Who is dumb?

I think you have done a spectacular job of answering that question halfwit. :laugh: