Kansas City Health Department Under Fire for Pouring Bleach On Meals Meant to Feed

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
The Kansas City Health Department is facing backlash after trashing and pouring bleach on meals intended to feed the homeless earlier this month.

According to The Kansas City Star, local group, Free Hot Soup KC planned to distribute free meals that included home-made chili, foil-wrapped sandwiches and vats of soup at several parks across the city on Nov. 5. City health officials confiscated the meals, however, saying the group didn’t have a permit and was putting the public at risk.

The headline is distractive. The group did not have a permit to distribute the food. So the health department confiscated the food as potentially unsafe. Then to keep people from eating it, they poured bleach on it.
The headline is distractive. The group did not have a permit to distribute the food. So the health department confiscated the food as potentially unsafe. Then to keep people from eating it, they poured bleach on it.

plus, they believe in population reduction, and free food is anathema to that agenda.
There is a lot of brinksmanship in the world of charity. I do work with an organization that provides shelters. We couldn't figure out why a city with no battered women's shelter was slow-walking/bending over backwards to stop our effort to establish such a shelter. Once we re-oriented from providing emergency sheltering to transitional housing, the resistance evaporated like a snowball in death valley. Turned out some folks in the city government had ties with the hotels that were being paid market rate by the government to provide shelter services to battered women and they didn't want us milking their cash cow.
say hello to the unintended consequences of liberals demanding government make everything 'safe'.

2015 Gold King Mine waste water spill

The 2015 Gold King Mine waste water spill was an environmental disaster that began at the Gold King Mine near Silverton, Colorado,[2] when Environmental Protection Agency personnel, along with workers for Environmental Restoration LLC (a Missouri company under EPA contract to mitigate pollutants from the closed mine), caused the release of toxic waste water into the Animas River watershed. They caused the accident while attempting to drain ponded water near the entrance of the mine on August 5.[3]