Karl Marx was right.


Verified User
Capitalism will devour itself.

Sure, Trump is a felon, but he is rich! So, all is well!
I cannot believe anyone can be as stupid as you. You must be a liberal making fun of stupid right wingers.


What's sad that is really the best you can do.

All you do is vomit out hatred toward your betters - which is virtually everyone.
Capitalism will devour itself.

Sure, Trump is a felon, but he is rich! So, all is well!
trump begs for money to fund his legal shenanigans. He's not as rich as he would have you believe.
Capitalism will devour itself.

Sure, Trump is a felon, but he is rich! So, all is well!

Marx was a plagerist, who stole his entire shtick from Rousseau.

Yeah, 200 million dead people killed by their own communist governments can't be wrong; it's great.