Kasich is desperate

Mott the Hoople

Sweet Jane
In a desperate attempt to try and save his savaged reputation in the State of Ohio Governor Kasich's Secretary of State is trying to play games with the wording on Ballot Issue #2 concering SB#5 the anti-collective bargaining law. Considering most polls sow 2/3rds of the State believe the law goes to far and are opposed to is, this is a serious measure of just how desperate John Kasich has become.

Speaking of desperately trying to save his reputation. A certain self proclaimed scientist is trying really really hard to avoid the climate thread. I wonder why?
Ohio and Pennsylvania....two states that are notoriously pro-union....any governor screwing with collective bargaining communists is in for a battle.....

Unions bought and paid for the politicians in those states and won't go away quietly....
Speaking of desperately trying to save his reputation. A certain self proclaimed scientist is trying really really hard to avoid the climate thread. I wonder why?

Take it up with Cypress.....that was your debate with him. I'm not interested in wasting time with science deniers.
Take it up with Cypress.....that was your debate with him. I'm not interested in wasting time with science deniers.

lmao.... then WHY do YOU deny science?

YOU are the one who claimed no one had ever linked to PEER reviewed climatologists that disagreed with your precious almighty consensus. That link shows you are either a liar or an idiot. Do feel free to tell us which it is.

Do feel free to explain the wonderful rationale that your fellow 'scientist' used to ignore the climatologist.

You aren't interested in the thread because it makes you look like the idiot you are. You are a denier who so desperately wants his fantasy to be true that you will, like Cypress, ignore anything and everything that shows you are wrong.
Look, it's obvious you don't understand the scientific method. Until recently you've only posted one verifiable peer reviewed link on the topic and that was handed to you from Grind. The rest of your data has come from certified cranks and industry lobbyist. Cypress completely eviscerated you on that score, so go troll elsewhere.

Hell, I don't even have a strong opinion on the topic of Antrhopogenic Climate Change, it's not my area of expertise or interest. I've just simply criticized you for your scientific illiteracy due to your lack of objectivity and your obvious politically motivated bias and thought it hillareous how Cypress pwned you. Your almost as bad on this topic as Dixie is on evolution.
Look, it's obvious you don't understand the scientific method. Until recently you've only posted one verifiable peer reviewed link on the topic and that was handed to you from Grind. The rest of your data has come from certified cranks and industry lobbyist. Cypress completely eviscerated you on that score, so go troll elsewhere.

Hell, I don't even have a strong opinion on the topic of Antrhopogenic Climate Change, it's not my area of expertise or interest. I've just simply criticized you for your scientific illiteracy due to your lack of objectivity and your obvious politically motivated bias and thought it hillareous how Cypress pwned you. Your almost as bad on this topic as Dixie is on evolution.

LMAO.... yet another consensus fool who is embarrassed. Not only are you a fucking liar with regards to what I have or have not linked to (can't help but notice you continue to cower from the other thread that PROVES you are wrong on that point), but you are also wrong with regards to your hero Cypress pwning anyone. That obviously did not occur.

If you note moron....

1) I have always questioned the 'consensus' for stomping their feet shouting 'consensus' rather than providing their data, their calculations and the 'adjustments' they made.

2) I have used quotes from Jones and other 'experts' to show the idiot Cypress was wrong to proclaim the discussion over. You too are wrong in that regard given you idiotic clinging to the 'u a science denier' line of bullshit.

3) You clearly have demonstrated that it is YOU that has no regard for the scientific method. You ignore their blatant disregard for it because you desperately want your masters to be right. Tell us Mr. Scientist.... when using the scientific method, does a scientist have to be able to REPEAT their experiment/study? Can they do so when they destroy raw data? When using the scientific method... do real scientists run and hide from any that might challenge their hypothesis? Or do they hold up their work for others to scrutinize? When using the scientific method... do REAL scientists show their calculations/methodology or do they stomp their feet shout 'consensus' and pretend the debate is over?

4) The data coming out shows I was correct to question the 'consensus' shouting climate fear mongers. It also shows what a complete fool you are to worship the moron Cypress.
LMAO.... yet another consensus fool who is embarrassed. Not only are you a fucking liar with regards to what I have or have not linked to (can't help but notice you continue to cower from the other thread that PROVES you are wrong on that point), but you are also wrong with regards to your hero Cypress pwning anyone. That obviously did not occur.

If you note moron....

1) I have always questioned the 'consensus' for stomping their feet shouting 'consensus' rather than providing their data, their calculations and the 'adjustments' they made.

2) I have used quotes from Jones and other 'experts' to show the idiot Cypress was wrong to proclaim the discussion over. You too are wrong in that regard given you idiotic clinging to the 'u a science denier' line of bullshit.

3) You clearly have demonstrated that it is YOU that has no regard for the scientific method. You ignore their blatant disregard for it because you desperately want your masters to be right. Tell us Mr. Scientist.... when using the scientific method, does a scientist have to be able to REPEAT their experiment/study? Can they do so when they destroy raw data? When using the scientific method... do real scientists run and hide from any that might challenge their hypothesis? Or do they hold up their work for others to scrutinize? When using the scientific method... do REAL scientists show their calculations/methodology or do they stomp their feet shout 'consensus' and pretend the debate is over?

4) The data coming out shows I was correct to question the 'consensus' shouting climate fear mongers. It also shows what a complete fool you are to worship the moron Cypress.

Yadda, Yadda, yadda, like I said, go take it up with Cypress and go trolling elsewhere. I'm not interested in either the topic or your scientific illiteracy.
Yadda, Yadda, yadda, like I said, go take it up with Cypress and go trolling elsewhere. I'm not interested in either the topic or your scientific illiteracy.

Yet YOU are the one who made the comment I am addressing. YOU are the one that is scientifically illiterate, hence your continued avoidance of answering any of the questions posed to you... which is STANDARD from the global warming fear mongers.

You think that by simply saying 'u dusnt understood nuthin bout science' somehow makes you an expert or somehow makes me illiterate.

Here is a hint moron.... the only one here who is demonstrating a complete disregard for SCIENCE... is YOU.
Yet YOU are the one who made the comment I am addressing. YOU are the one that is scientifically illiterate, hence your continued avoidance of answering any of the questions posed to you... which is STANDARD from the global warming fear mongers.

You think that by simply saying 'u dusnt understood nuthin bout science' somehow makes you an expert or somehow makes me illiterate.

Here is a hint moron.... the only one here who is demonstrating a complete disregard for SCIENCE... is YOU.

Let's also discuss how you seem to be avoiding the subject of this particular thread...anyone want to offer up a possible suggestion as to why that is?

How many more posts you plan on spending whining about Mott and his decision to not engage illiterate idiots like yourself in childish games?

Why are you so afraid to discuss Kasich's situation in Ohio?
Let's also discuss how you seem to be avoiding the subject of this particular thread...anyone want to offer up a possible suggestion as to why that is?

How many more posts you plan on spending whining about Mott and his decision to not engage illiterate idiots like yourself in childish games?

Why are you so afraid to discuss Kasich's situation in Ohio?

Sure.... because I am attempting to get Mott to address the thread where he lied and is now cowering from.... in the meantime I am attempting to hijack his thread until he addresses the other thread. The topic of this thread is irrelevant to that endeavor. Thanks for asking.
Let's also discuss how you seem to be avoiding the subject of this particular thread...anyone want to offer up a possible suggestion as to why that is?

How many more posts you plan on spending whining about Mott and his decision to not engage illiterate idiots like yourself in childish games?

Why are you so afraid to discuss Kasich's situation in Ohio?

You know what's really ironic about Kasich situation in Ohio was that it didn't have to be. It's text book political over reach. There were quite a few points on public service pay, tenure, contributions to pensions and health care plans that the public would have backed Kasich on and which he very likely would have gottten major concessions on those issues had he just brought labor to the table to negotiate, like they did in Massachusets. But no, he had to make this an ideological battle to revoke peoples collective bargaining rights and that was a bridge to far. It was pure short sightedness and it showed even many of his supporters that ideology was more imporant then serving the peoples best interests. Kasich couldn't get elected dog catcher in this State now and is a certain one termer.
Yes, I am indeed a liar and will continue to pretend that I am a 'scientist' who believes in and actually understands the scientific method.... all the while I will stomp my feet and shout consensus as I fear monger with my fellow global warming kool aid drinking flat earther science denying religious zealots.

too true... too true...