Kasich, just another BIG government phony


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John Kasich: Running as Most Sanctimonious Presidential Candidate

Kasich apparently has not lived up to his own rhetoric by helping personally. In the moving vision of the separation of the sheep and the goats Christ’s (not St. Peter’s!) statement is “whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” Jesus did not say whatever you voted to take from your neighbors for the hungry, thirsty, lonely, naked, sick, and imprisoned you did for me. Indeed, what made the famed Samaritan good was personally helping the person in front of him, not voting in the next election for a politician promising to create a government agency.http://www.cato.org/blog/john-kasich-running-most-sanctimonious-presidential-candidate

AUGUST 3, 2015 4:56PM
Revisiting Kasich’s Record on Spending

all you phoney religious rightwingers are evil

Jesus NEVER said don't help the poor with government

you are all sociopathic in your hate of the poor

jesus would be whipping the shit out of all of you
all you phoney religious rightwingers are evil

Jesus NEVER said don't help the poor with government

you are all sociopathic in your hate of the poor

jesus would be whipping the shit out of all of you

Do you believe in the concept of private property rights?
ridiculous. CATO is narrowly focused on spending. It should focus on spending as compared to revenues, and Kasich looks good there.

Plus it's all whacked out goofy about Medicade expansion. What would you prefer? Florida where there is no Medicade expansion but 2.5 million uninsured?

Given Kasich’s record this is an important inclusion. In 2013 Governor Kasich expanded Medicaid over strong objections within the legislature. For that newly-eligible population, the federal government is currently paying 100 percent of the costs. To exclude the effect of Medicaid expansion from spending data minimizes the cost of Kasich’s policies.
all you phoney religious rightwingers are evil

Jesus NEVER said don't help the poor with government

you are all sociopathic in your hate of the poor

jesus would be whipping the shit out of all of you

Jesus probably would be KICKING YOUR LIBERAL ASSES for being so stupid. Spending FORTY FUCKING TRILLION DOLLARS over a 50 year period on a war on poverty ONLY TO HAVE MORE FUCKING POOR PEOPLE NOW THAN EVER BEFORE.
ridiculous. CATO is narrowly focused on spending. It should focus on spending as compared to revenues, and Kasich looks good there.

Plus it's all whacked out goofy about Medicade expansion. What would you prefer? Florida where there is no Medicade expansion but 2.5 million uninsured?

Medicaid is a federally contrived and established unconstitutional socialist program. No Governor should be expanding unconstitutional programs. If Medicare/Medicaid were a totally "State" operated program, you'd have a valid argument, that's not the case.

So you're in favor of Kasich using expanded revenues from oil and gas fracking be spent on socialist programs and adding more government workers, right.
John Kasich: Running as Most Sanctimonious Presidential Candidate

Kasich apparently has not lived up to his own rhetoric by helping personally. In the moving vision of the separation of the sheep and the goats Christ’s (not St. Peter’s!) statement is “whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” Jesus did not say whatever you voted to take from your neighbors for the hungry, thirsty, lonely, naked, sick, and imprisoned you did for me. Indeed, what made the famed Samaritan good was personally helping the person in front of him, not voting in the next election for a politician promising to create a government agency.http://www.cato.org/blog/john-kasich-running-most-sanctimonious-presidential-candidate
AUGUST 3, 2015 4:56PM
Revisiting Kasich’s Record on Spending


He may be a big government phony but by God he's a Buckeye and he's not some mouth breathing southern conservative intent on dragging the nation kicking and screaming back to the 19th century.
Medicaid is a federally contrived and established unconstitutional socialist program. No Governor should be expanding unconstitutional programs. If Medicare/Medicaid were a totally "State" operated program, you'd have a valid argument, that's not the case.

So you're in favor of Kasich using expanded revenues from oil and gas fracking be spent on socialist programs and adding more government workers, right.
i'm in favor of affordable universal health care coverage. not even as a "human right" -but because it is much more cost effective
to have universal access in the long run.

I don't see how you get to "unconstitutional"
i'm in favor of affordable universal health care coverage. not even as a "human right" -but because it is much more cost effective
to have universal access in the long run.

I don't see how you get to "unconstitutional"

You don't see how I get to unconstitutional because you either don't read the Constitution, or you refuse to take at face value the 10th amendment.

Socialized Single Payrer healthcare insurance is a system that cost more if you consider the tax bite necessary to support it and the fact that government is actually rationing healthcare and you get less bang for your buck when your on a waiting list for critical healthcare service. Canadians come to the United States for critical operations to keep from dying on the Single Payer waiting list in Canada. The UK has to ship a high percentage of their critical operations to India because they have a shortage of doctors and the UK hospitals are notoriously filthy and poorly supplied.

If States prefer Single Payer, then a State can constitutionally set up a Single Payer system of their own without shoving it down the throats of the rest of the nation. The federal government has no constitutional authority to operate a health insurance program.
ridiculous. CATO is narrowly focused on spending. It should focus on spending as compared to revenues, and Kasich looks good there.

Plus it's all whacked out goofy about Medicade expansion. What would you prefer? Florida where there is no Medicade expansion but 2.5 million uninsured?

I'll take Florida's superior economy and lifestyle over that left wing fascist shithole Ohio.

As far as 2.5 million uninsured, I thought you liberals said that Obamacare would insure everyone. Hell, we've spent TRILLIONS on that goddam program and so far everyone is pissed at it.
i'm in favor of affordable universal health care coverage. not even as a "human right" -but because it is much more cost effective
to have universal access in the long run.

I don't see how you get to "unconstitutional"

There is NOTHING cost effective about universal health care. It is a DISASTER everywhere it has been tried.
Go hide in your own thread asshole and ban everybody because you're a fucking intellectual coward sceered that you'd actually have to face up to your bullshit.

What's the deal with this guy and that shaking face? Is he like...monumentally disturbed or what?