keep thinking outside self contained to your own chromosomes here.


Verified User
What does it take to keep people protecting the ideas every society uses for imagining life beyond adapting as displaced?

Anyone using their instinctive brain within any reality will be blamed for humanity's failure to defend tomorrows goals reaching fruition today. Nurturing minds starts after birth and ends with personally dead.

Ancestral living began with inception of original great great grandparents existing after 5th generation arriving one ancestral at a time replacing their 30 previous ancestors being their combined chromosomes each sibling from each family unit of 2 biological parents, 4 biological grandparents, 8 biological great grandparents, originally arrived 16 great great grandparents in one generation gap that didn't remain in the previous ancestral lineages. Evolution mutates preexisting ancestries and added generation gaps due to drastic changes in the food chain had many different ways of occurring during the evolving process never stops in either periodic elements changing shpea dnforms universally here or ancestral results changing forms as reproductively arriving uniquely here one ata time each generation gap born on separate rotations of the planet combined to every thing left evolving this rotation now.

Past converts what arrives today as today changes everything left alive still uniquely here into next rotation. Current flow of evolving as universally existing in series parallel positions present.

Evolution is the total sum past, currently here, changing forms shaped as existing so far as combined since conceptualized combinations of periodic molecular content or conceived by combined chromosomes from existing ancestors developing next generation of ancestral lineages left alive each rotation of their universal point of displacement now, birth to death, dead to decomposed.

Specific gravity, perpetual balancing outcomes of each incoming replacement adapting to time occupying space specifically here.

Tah Dah! Specific accountability between evolving atoms becoming molecular content, to each hono sapien ancestor eternally spearated adapting to the moment here.

All within an instinctive brain following patterns of behavior(nature) of the natural time each reproduction has spent adapting to its native atmosphere universally present this rotation of that specific atmosphere as the specific reproduction they been since conceived living in series parallel space now, this rotation since a fertilized cell evolving SSDD. Same Species Different Displacement.

Eternally balancing uniquely here each rotation evolving is a simple compounding process of existential parts eternally separated in native atmospheres universally present as occupying time inhabiting space differently the same way.

Balancing between extremes isn't fair for any extreme. Divided by 30:1 compression ratio between 16 great great original arrivals, 8 second generation parents, 4 third generation parents, 2 4th generation parents to each 5th generation of individually arriving great great grandchildren of ancestral lineages to each species intellectually defined as race, creed, color, national origin, gender, gender biases, national origins of their ancestry, social behavior of their community believing life isn't self evident.

6th degree of separation is when great great grandchildren become one of two parents to 7th sons and 7th daughters.
No mention of the spirit or the soul. Long rambling to nowhere. Probably nobody else read this.
What is your point?
soul is an intellectual concept socially used to keep unique sole survivors of adapting as displaced this rotation as specifically alive as ancestrally here today becomes each next rotation each lifetime continues adapting as displaced genetically here since conceived to replace its previous 30 people of a chromosomes bloodline to current population living here so far.

Nothing ever invented in space with ancestries combined remaining current population native to this atmosphere this rotation than power of suggesting now isn't eternity as genetics has kept eternally separating every great great grandchild in every 5th generation living this rotation this universal position has been perpetually balancing outcomes of ever changing events limited to each rotation kinetically remaining 3rd from the star in this specific solar system, in this specific galaxy, this specific rotation compounding chromosomes per conception has never duplicated an ancestor lived upto this rotation.

Balancing never sustains fairness eliminating every angle of extreme results contracting into details never duplicated current conditions going on today regardless how many more rotations happen beyond the estimated 5 billion took place this planet been 3rd from the star.

this country called United States Of America was founded on the idea every ancestor was unique each generation alive. Nobody supports that anymore but I understand what it describes and every society serving humanity denies it is possible, genetics maintains eternal separation of each ancestor of the entire food chain native to this atmosphere each rotation forward.

Care to guess what Karma energy comes from in physical evolving a never staying same form since one's original fertilized cell the nucleus evolved into the personal brain of specific chromosomes never duplicated in siblings or next generation since inception of every ancestral lineage alive this rotation still balancing outcomes forward each rotation here.

Bet you won't believe it a it is contradictory to every social history used within this species since dawn of civilization legislating morality, legality, ethics, economic value to rank has its privileges the governed to believe in better tomorrows pay for sacrificing biological time equally here each rotation to honor relative time theories cradle to grave until extinction happens come Hell or High water scenarios of the afterlife adapting to space the rotations one experiences cradle to grave native to this atmosphere and ancestral lineage of their chromosome combination.

My point here is nobody believes every added 5th generation of great great grandchildren is a 6th degree of population never been the same since inception of this species into this atmosphere as current lifetimes left living this rotation. I have accounted for any ancestor in any ancestry native to this planet sustaining this universal position uniquely here this rotation as any previous existed to arriving next rotation.

No exceptions by theories, theologies, economic value. Uniqueness is a natural part of the whole process each ancestor occupying space now.

Self evident.
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