Keir Starmer is surrendering to Jihad

Guno צְבִי

Am Yisrael Chai
Recent polls have revealed that a majority of Palestinian respondents, both on the West Bank and in Gaza, believe that the October 7 atrocities were a good idea. There could be no clearer illustration that creating a Palestinian state would be Jewish suicide. Next week, however, Labour is set to launch a manifesto committing to recognition of such a state over the heads of the Israelis.

To mainstream voters, it makes little sense. People understand instinctively that rewarding the worst pogroms since the Holocaust with a push for Palestinian self-determination is an example – to put it mildly – of rewarding bad behaviour. If this is the result of October 7, surely Hamas will feel even more encouraged to do it again? Not that the terror group wants a state alongside Israel. Its intentions are too genocidal for that. But it pursues its true goal by forcing capitulation by increments.
