Ken Burns on the ‘incredibly dangerous’ party that the GOP has ‘morphed’ into

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
In bestowing Ken Burns with its 2024 Liberty Medal, the National Constitution Center called him “America’s history teacher,” and he spoke to Ali Velshi about the “echoes” and “rhymes” between the current political moment and other periods in America’s history. “We’re dealt a certain hand of cards right now which we have to respond to,” he says. Burns also remarks on how the Republican Party has “morphed” into an “incredibly dangerous” group that needs to be reformed. “It’s going to be difficult for the Republican Party to figure out a way to escape the specific gravity of the darkness that engulfs it.”

MAGA is a threat to this illegal illegitimate regime.

Which is why MAGA gets crushed after the Regime installs Harris.